Has anyone had bleeding or spotting, thought it was their period, but ended up having a BFP? I'm hoping to prolong my wishful thinking a couple more days.
Update: I used a tampon and it is not "full"; the blood on it is dark brown and old-looking
Has anyone had bleeding or spotting, thought it was their period, but ended up having a BFP? I'm hoping to prolong my wishful thinking a couple more days.
Update: I used a tampon and it is not "full"; the blood on it is dark brown and old-looking
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
I already had my BFP, but starting around the time I would have had my next period, I would have light spotting for a day. It happened my entire first trimester. OB said it was "breakthrough" bleeding. I also had one other event where I had a very heavy flow, but the doctor thinks I was pregnant with twins and lost one early.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts
Yup, I had actual bleeding. No idea why I tested! I think because it would come and go, which was strange for me. I'm 18 weeks now!
cherry / 242 posts
@littlek: @Bao: A spark of hope has been planted! I am experiencing a small amount of bleeding, but it is coupled with a cramping feeling in my right ovary area. I am slated to test on Saturday, and this is when my period would have showed. It could be anything!
pomegranate / 3275 posts
@mrskoloa: Me! With this current pregnancy I was so convinced AF was coming that I had a tampon in the day before my BFP and I was drinking wine the night I finally decided to take the test (terrible I know, but I was sooo convinced that I wasn't pregnant!)
coconut / 8861 posts
I had a friable cervix at the very beginning of my pregnancy. It caused some bleeding. I had a quick ultrasound at the OB's at 7 weeks where I saw my little jumping bean. I had some bleeding later in pregnancy as a result of infections. I pushed for tests and found out I had BV and a yeast infection. With BV, I pushed for more testing to be sure it was clear.
cherry / 155 posts
@Mrskoloa- I'm sched to test the same day as you , its the day AF is due.
So I just went to the bathroom and this is about the time when my crazies start and I (totally TMI!) check when I wipe for spotting. Like a few checks
And today I just saw light pink type spotting. So I think I'm out this month, but maybe I can be hopeful until AF actually shows!
But now I want to drink all of my water bottle so I can go to the ladies room again. My co-workers are going to think I am nuts!
pomegranate / 3275 posts
@mrskoloa: It was in for a long time and it hurt to take off if I remember correctly. But I was so convinced that I was going to be getting AF.
cherry / 242 posts
@RLCeigh: I totally check when I wipe, then I either breathe a sigh of relief, or say, "oh shit." I'm pretty bummed right now.
cherry / 242 posts
@MamaBehr: how interesting! I'm assuming it was dry when you took it out. My tampon has some blood on it. I have to change in a few hours; I'm hoping the bleeding will subside!
pear / 1657 posts
I am actually dealing with this situation today. AF showed up this past Saturday (10 dpo) lasted 4 days with some spotting yesterday - but my temps were still really high this morning (16dpo) so I POAS and there was a squinter. I'm not feeling too hopeful though... Going to the doctor tomorrow morning to see what's what.
kiwi / 659 posts
I had what I thought was a regular period... Then I took an opk on day 8 & it was super positive. Thought that was weird, so I tested & got a bfp. I ended up miscarrying a week later I hope your story is better than mine & u have a sticky bfp!!
cherry / 242 posts
@CakeLady: From what I've read, either you had implantation bleeding, or breakthrough bleeding, or maybe a period and a fever! I'm really curious to hear back what your doctor says.
cherry / 242 posts
@MCD919: I'm so sorry for your loss! Were you expecting a miscarriage, since you had had what you thought was a period?
honeydew / 7909 posts
I spotted for a few days with my first pregnancy - we were ntnp so I didn't think pregnancy was an option but tested when it was never more than spotting (ended in m/c).
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