
I feel so blah today.
I'm tired...M has been waking up twice throughout the night this past week instead of her once. Probably because she's sick.
Didn't get to sleep till 11 last night then up twice and up at 5:30 because she was having trouble breathing.

I'm tired, can't even have a real cup of coffee.
My hair is a overgrown mess and falling out in clumps. Scheduled a haircut for next week after work but will have for reschedule because by the time I'm done it'll mess with M's night time routine.

Half of my clothes are at the new house so I'm wearing the same $hit every day. I feel frumpy. I have on my old maternity jeans that are so worn out and a old short sleeved shirt. If I had time this morning I would have picked out something nicer to cheer myself up.

And I'm feeling guilty for sending her off to daycare when she's not 100% yet. But I stayed home yesterday with her and I really don't have a lot of time off left.

So, feeling tired, guilty, frumpy & blah on this gloomy day.

Anyone else?