Oh no! I went to synagogue with LO this morning and had to change him. I decided to go with disposables (not the disposable gDiaper liners or cloth we use at home but full on disposables) for the outing. AND.... he pooped up his back, out of the diaper, through his onesie, through his overalls.
Oh. My. Goodness.

I was changing him and asked another mom what diaper her LO (9 months) is in. She said... when her LO was as young as mine (5 weeks), she used to blowout all the time and just grew out of it.

This is our first real blowout.

Now I'm scared to go on our upcoming trip in 2 weeks (a 1 week long trip to Canada). Should I just use our gDiapers and find a laundry while traveling?

Do you use cloth or disposables? How about when you are out and about?

Does you LO have blowouts? Did you LO grow out of them?