So I'm doing some research on introducing solids because I want to discuss it with our pediatrician at LO's 4 mo appointment next week. I'm fine waiting until 6 months but I'm wondering if she might suggest starting earlier due to the fact that we have had some ongoing trouble getting LO to eat enough (and I suspect that her weight % will drop a good bit between 2mo and 4mo visit as a result).

I like the idea of BLW because I'm a horribly picky eater and I'd love to do what I can to help LO avoid that same issue. Also because it just makes sense to me to let her learn how to feed herself and get used to eating real food v. kid food.

But I also understand that it usually takes longer for LOs to start getting many calories from BLW v. purees because they just don't ingest as much as soon. Everything I've read about BLW says you CAN'T do purees too.

But why?

I don't understand why it has to be either/or? I think I'd rather do some purees for nutrition and also offer finger food and then as she gets the hang of finger food taper off purees. But is there some reason this is not okay?