E is so ready to potty train..... She has been ready for months, doing the occasional pee on the potty etc, but became reluctant whenever we pushed her, so we just didn't. Well, Tues evening, she announced that she wanted to wear pants (what we call underwear) and use the potty - and that's what she did! Yesterday, I sent her to my inlaws wearing pants, with lots of changes of clothes, and told them what she said (they've been putting her on the potty for months now, like us, with little success). She did lots of wees but also had a couple of accidents so they went out and bought her pull-ups (ugh). Of course, once in pull ups, she started going in them and, when they put her on the potty, she "couldn't find a wee" as she puts it. Yesterday evening, we went back to pants and we had two pees!

Basically, I know she's ready and its time to do the bottomless or just big-girl-pants thing - and its nearly the weekend, yay! But here's my question:

E goes stir crazy at home. We usually spend all weekend out and about. Do i keep her home all day, even if shes bored and unhappy? Also, we currently have no kitchen (renovation) so we are eating out three meals a day. How do I navigate this? She's scared of real toilets (and hand dryers) in public bathrooms - so how do I get her to go to the loo out of the house when we do have to go out? (dont get me started on the fact we have no laundry facilities right now! Her timing is impeccable! )