My 2 month old boy has been exclusively breastfed and everything has been going pretty well until recently. For the past week or so he has been acting weird, pretend he forgot how to latch, and in general getting pretty distracted during breast feeding.

After he had suck on my "more milk" side for about 1 minute, he'd release and my milk would spray everywhere - onto his face and shirt and on myself. Then he'd cry hysterically and refused to drink more. It happened once before when we were outside and it was embarrassing as my clothes got all wet.

For other times, after sucking for about 6-9 minutes, he would release my nipple. After I burped him and he seem to still show signs of hunger (rooting a bit, sometimes sucking his hand or the burp cloth), I'd offer the 2nd side. However he would be laying on the boppy pillow, look and me and smile and coo a bunch of stuff as if he's trying to tell me something. Then when I insisted that he should drink, he would pretend as if he forgot how to latch on. He would latch a bit and spit my nipples out and latch and spit it out a couple of times. He'd continue to play this "i forgot how to latch on game and play with my nipple with his mouth. Then if I continue to try to get him into the breast feeding position, he'd cry hysterically until I pick him up.

I'd then weigh him (we have a baby scale), but usually he would have just drank 3-3.5 oz. I weigh him on a normal feeding session he'd normally drank 5-5.5 , sometimes 6-6.5 oz. There was one time I was so frustrated I'd offer him my nipple while he was still laying down on the scale, and he'd take it and suck for a couple of minutes for another oz! 

Today for the past 4 feelings he was doing just that. What is going on?? He did have his 2-month vaccination 2 days ago but I doubt it is because of that because he has been acting that way for a while. Today is just the worst.

The reason I am so concerned is because of that breast feeding equation where you take the weight of the baby times 2.5 equals to the amount of oz he needs each day. So 13 lbs times 2.5 means he needs 32 oz a day and he really need 5.3 oz each feeding if we feed him 6 times a day. Then I am afraid if he continue playing this game, I will lose my milk supply. Are my worries valid?

Pleas help as I don't want to need to start pumping and give him bottles only if he really refuses my nipples....