Does anyone donate breastmilk? If so, tell me about it!

I have an oversupply and limited freezer space - and will be moving across the country when LO is 9 months so I will have to liquidate (ha!) my stash at that point anyhow. So I have too much breastmilk and figured I could help someone out. I pump more than LO eats while I'm at work, and I pump once each morning, even on days I don't work because it really helps with the worst time of my overactive letdown and I'm worried that I won't adjust if I drop this now unnecessary pumping time each day. But it seems silly to just dump this when someone could use it - but that's the point I'm going to get to soon!

I do get paranoid about donating while still BFing LO (she's 2 mo), thoughts of what if all of a sudden something happened to my supply and I would need a bazillion ounces to make up for it, but I figure that's unnecessary worrying. I have probably 200-250 oz in the freezer right now and more than that is intruding on our food space!