I'm on vacation and my supply plummeted overnight. I normally pump while at work and early morning and get 3 oz per breast during the day and 5+ at the early morning.;DD drinks 4 oz per feeding, or just one boob.My husband feeds her a bottle before bedtime, usually 6-7 ounces.
However I flew to visit my parents on Thursday, and my supply is soooo low. I pumped my early morning and got 1oz! DD has been starving all day and waking hourly to feed at night. I pumped after ever feed today (5 times) and only got 5oz!
im drinking plenty of water and ate a ton of galactologues today ( oatmeal, arugula, chickpeas) and tomorrow I'm going to get fenugreek.
What happened?!? What can I do??
I'm about to get formula!
(DD is 5 mo old for reference)