The family (DH, DS- 2.75, DD- 15mo) and I are moving outside of NYC at the end of August!
We are moving from Houston- a big city but very different in terms of culture and living experience. DH is from the area and I am from Boston so we have been trying to move back to the North East to be a bit closer to family/the best coast.
We are going to move into my in laws basement (an hour away from the city) as we work out the details (Eg- I will be looking for a job/ childcare/ where we want to live etc). His sister lives in JC and that is where DH will be working (though some in Midtown as well) so that is where we are looking now to rent.
So many questions for you Bees out there:
Any general tips for the area?
Any apartment advice? (we currently live in a nice 3bed/2bath so will downsize considerably to fit our budget)
Do you like where you live?
How do you adopt to city life? (stroller situation, grocery shopping etc.)
Any and all experiences are welcome!