Hellobee Boards


Cash out retirement?

I was at a job a few years back for a very short time, but had accumulated a whopping ~$3,500 in retirement. I continue to get notifications that I have this available (like a statement, but no changes in the amount).

Would you cash this out? I don't even know or think this could transfer to my current job. I've been here almost 4 years now.


  1. Littlebit7

    nectarine / 2243 posts

    NO! roll it over to your new 401K if you have a new employer and you are able to (ask HR or whomever manages your current 401), or roll it into a traditional or roth IRA. Its super easy to do.
    $3500 is nothing to scoff at. If you cash out you are going to take a huge huge tax hit/penalty for early withdrawal. You will just be throwing money away.

  2. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    I have a had a few of these small retirement accounts and just rolled each over into my current 401K. That's probably what I would do, if I were you.

  3. SweetCaroline

    pear / 1718 posts

    No way! Roll it over or leave it there. You'll get hit with a 10% penalty for withdrawal.

  4. Truth Bombs

    grapefruit / 4321 posts

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. You'll get hit with taxes and a penalty. Roll it over.

  5. Mrs. Oreo

    pear / 1677 posts

    @bushelandapeck: @Littlebit7: @SweetCaroline: Good enough! Thanks for the responses!

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