Just out of curiosity, does anyone know if your work is allowed to change your work conditions while you are away on maternity leave?
While I was away, my boss took my office away and informed me that I am now to share my office with another co-worker. She claimed that they found out they were able to get more work accomplished and more efficiently this way. While I was trying to ask her why this is happening, she actually put her hand up to shush me and told me this was the way things were going to be done and when I came back from maternity leave, the ball is in my court.
Is she allowed to do that? I thought your job was protected while you were away on maternity leave and they weren't allowed to change anything. I work for a big company in PA. I want to quit (and my husband is completely behind me on this) because I think its ridiculous the way I am being treated, especially after being with the company for 11 years, but part of me thinks I will be a better mother if I work.
Has anyone experienced this? What did you do?