DH and I need to do a will and decide on a guardian for R. We don't want his sister and BIL for numerous reasons, which we both agree on. We also don't want my brother and SIL, because they are raising their kids totally different then we would do. I really want to have a guardian in the family so that leaves my sister. She is two years older then me, not married, and has said that she doesn't want kids even if she would get married. She doesn't date and doesn't have a lot of friends but even so it would a huge adjustment for her if something would happen to us.
Another option we have is DH's BFF, who is like a brother to him, and his wife. They are expecting their first but we both think they would raise R they way we would want too. They could afford the day to day living expenses, so our life insurance could be saved for her college, wedding, etc.
What would you do?
How did you choose a guardian?