So I felt like I had been doing everything by the books, and we're about 6 weeks into our cloth diaper adventure with a stash of BG 4.0s, but a couple days ago I noticed black dots on about half the diapers and it appears to be mold! I was every 2-3 days with the BG detergent, keep everything in a flip top garbage pail with the lid cracked, lined with a Planet Wise pail liner. I line dry everything and try and make sure things get sunned (or clouded depending on the weather!) before getting put away. The only thing I can think of that may have caused the mold is there were 1-2 times I ran the diaper laundry at night and went to bed without hanging up the diapers until the morning. We have a covered deck I dry our laundry on and you go through our bedroom (where LO sleeps) to get to it, and she fell asleep before the laundry finished and I was too afraid to wake her up to go through! There also have been a couple times I kept things on the deck "drying" in the rain, although they were covered from the rain, but I suppose it was wet out in general. The diaper pail is in the nursery, but it is right next to the bathroom that gets more humid.

Anyhow, all the moldy diapers have since been sunned which theoretically kills the mold - but does it really? I'm going to do a bleach wash like BG recommends, but I was too scared to do it until now. I feel like at least this will kill everything. Although I usually wash about 12-14 diapers at once (we have a stash of about 20), so how will I deal with the ones not in the wash? I don't want to bleach any of them twice in a row.

Anyone go through this before? Anyone done the bleach wash and can hold my hand while I do it? I just imagine everything coming out smelling like a swimming pool and covered in white blotches!! I also don't want to lose my stash to this yucky black dot plague that I don't have a really good reason to have started!