LO is 2 months and has only slept in her bassinet once or twice. Other than that she has slept with me and most recently we got an Arm's Reach Co-Sleeper so that the three of us could be together.

My original pediatrician left the practice (she supported co-sleeping as long as it was "safe") and we have a new pediatrician who mentioned starting sleep training now. I said no, I think she's too young and mentioned we were using a co-sleeper. She said she didn't think that was safe and that LO will sleep in her bassinet if we just put her in there and let her cry it out. I said no. She said we'll talk again about sleep training at the 3 month appointment, maybe you'll be ready then. We weren't planning on using CIO as a method and I don't like it being pushed on me (I just can't take hearing her cry and it hurts my husband even more). I think we're going to be looking for a new pediatrician.

So, I'm curious: How long did you co-sleep? And if you sleep trained, when did you start?