So the other day, I was thinking about how I feel like I have less time during the day to get anything done, and I realized it's b/c I spend *so* much time in bed so my LO will sleep. (She's 30 months old)

She won't sleep unless I'm lying next to her in our bed, and if I try to get up once I think she's asleep, she usually wakes up in a panic and starts crying. This means I'm in bed with her around 8PM... and I try to sneak out around 830PM but she usually wakes up crying so I'm back in bed :T I can't go to sleep that early so I'm usually just lying there on my phone!

Then, during naps, she needs me next to her, too... so that's another hour of my day I spend lying next to her.

I love cuddling, but I calculated that I spend close to 12 hours lying next to her! No wonder my days feel so short