So...some background. DH and I plan to pay for 4 full years of public schooling for our children. We will cover tuition, books and living expenses (determined by us) and there will be requirements that must be met (minimum GPA levels, etc).

We are very fortunate and my ILs have indicated that they create pre-tax accounts for each of their grandchildren which they contribute to annually. So generous of them, but here are my issues...

1) I have indicated to DH many of times that we need to know what their contribution level is. I dont think he understands that pre-tax college savings is penalized if used for purposes other than tuition/etc. So we do need to be careful not to over contribute. I guess at one point he asked his dad who said "its not that much each year"...problem is my FIL is very successful and not that much could really mean $1-2K...over 18 years $18-36K...a large amount of money.

2) MIL insists on being on the account. She is a firm believer that a responsible adult needs to be involved to ensure the children do right with the money and "earn" it. I trust she wont be cruel or harsh - and honestly I expect her stipulations wont be any harsher than DH and I. But either way - she does maintain control of their "trust" they set up.

My issue is - w/ regard to #1 - how do I find out about their contributions so DH and I dont over contribute? She sets the accounts up with their SSN so they are tied to the children - although I believe you can use it on other children? I dont want to seem nosey or anything but it seems like a valid inquiry to me?! Am I wrong?

And with regard to #2...I thought of just contributing to the same fund she contributes to so that (for ex) DD's money is all in one spot and easy. Thoughts given MIL's heavy involvement?