I've had my 4 month LO to the doctor three times in as many weeks. The first time was due to a harsh wet cough. We were given a breathing treatment and had a negative RSV test and sent home with instructions to use a humidifier, keep her nose clear and call if anything gets worse otherwise she should be better in 7-10 days.

8 days later we had a scheduled 4 month appointment where she wasn't any better. The doctor agreed it was a common cold and we should continue what we were doing and to watch for any wheezing. He indicated the duration could be much longer since we've had crazy weather.

6 days later I was calling again as we had reached the point of wheezing and the cough was worsening. We were again negative for RSV and received another breathing treatment. We were also sent home with a nebulizer and a prescription for xopenex this time. The instructions are breathing treatments every 6 hours and a follow up by the end of the week. And no daycare until after the follow up appointment.

So here we are 8 breathing treatments later, still coughing a whole bunch and not as much wheezing but a lot of grunting. Her nighttime sleep is extremely restless, which of course means mine is too.

Anyone else battling the Common Cold? Battled it in the past? Any suggestions that seem to work for your LO?