grapefruit / 4584 posts
My kids are going to school half day today to gather their things. They have Monday off, and Tuesday will begin distance learning for at least two weeks before they re-evaluate. I stayed up last night planning art projects and science experiments and placed in store pickup orders for today.
I’m setting up “classrooms” in each child’s bedroom, and will do group science, art, music, and gym after their assigned learning each day. I’ll do a formal schedule once I get the learning plan from their schools (the teachers are doing it this afternoon and tomorrow).
This should be interesting, but I’ve decided to approach it full force in case it becomes long term.
cherry / 114 posts
We have 17 confirmed cases in my city. The city has shut down all city buildings (plus the zoo) until the 30th. I believe schools are half day today and possibly Monday and then they will be closing.
I will just be vegging out with my 1 year old at home. Thankfully it will be in the 70's so I still plan to go on walks and go to the closest playground.
honeydew / 7235 posts
Well, in the 2 days since I last posted: my company asked us all to work remotely for the next month, and schools are closed, we'll find out how long at some point, but i'm guessing for the next few weeks.
Very glad to see a massive movement towards social isolation, I think it will really help.
persimmon / 1385 posts
So far we do not have any confirmed cases in our county so optional activities have been cancelled but school is still on. I completely understand the whole idea and benefit of flattening the curve, but I’m having a hard time not really worrying about how our economy is going to fair. Part of me feels bad for worrying about this in the middle of a health crisis, but sh!t, if we stop everything MANY MANY people may not have jobs to return to and that is really scary too.
pomelo / 5573 posts
I thought I’d practice social distancing and do my grocery shopping at 7:30am after dropping off the kids. The parking lot was packed. The line to pay runs the full length of the store and doubles back into the produce section.
This is nuts.
bananas / 9227 posts
DH is now working from home until further notice, but DD's school hasn't closed down. DD is still coughing, so I've had her home. I'm worried about letting her go back to school, but as long as she's coughing, even if it's mild, she's be staying home with us.
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@BadgerMom: there was a good thread on my local fb about supporting small local businesses. For example, if you take lessons that are cancelled and can afford to still pay them, do. Call local stores you might use (like a small toy store we have) and ask if they will gather up things to do and bring to your car if you drive over. Buy gift cards to local stores and use them later. Won’t save the economy but might help a small business owner.
pomelo / 5573 posts
My “is the pool/skating rink/library” safe internal debate has just become a moot point, because the city just shut them all down for three weeks. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
persimmon / 1385 posts
@bhbee: Thank you! Those are all good ideas on ways we can “help” at least the people around us. We went to swim last night but who knows what the future holds and, like you suggested, I will still continue to pay them no matter what.
persimmon / 1390 posts
I never contact our school administrators but I just shared this information from the CDC. Based on how school closures for weather snowball around here (one school closes and then they all do), I’m concerned if one district closes they all will. The CDC actually says that closures are not likely to mitigate spread, and also increase risk for grandparents caring for children.
clementine / 911 posts
Our governor has encouraged all schools and universities to close, so starting Monday, our school will be out for at least 2 and possibly 4+ weeks. I work from home normally, but my company has everyone working from home until the end of the month. My husband is in the office today, but I feel like it's just a matter of time before they tell them to work from home also.
My daughter is in pre-k and doing well, so we aren't concerned about any loss of academic progress while school is out. But we are concerned about how to be productive and still do our jobs well with a bored 4.5 year old at home too. It's not feasible to take vacation to give her the level of attention she wants until schools are back in session. And all the places that normally provide camps during school breaks are also closed. And I know we're the fortunate ones who have jobs that we can do from home and not suffer from a loss of income or have to arrange emergency child care.
We were already talking about postponing our big spring break trip, but now that Disneyland is closed, it's highly unlikely we'll be going. I'm not confident that they'll be opening back up at the beginning of April. I want to rebook for early summer, but who knows yet when this situation will improve to make that feasible again.
nectarine / 2400 posts
All our local schools just closed. I’m having a hard time managing my anxiety today. My parents watch our kids, the kids are going to want to be out doing this, my mom isn’t taking this seriously. I work in healthcare and it’s a clusterfuck of some magnitude. I can’t deal
pomegranate / 3272 posts
@Becky: You are so right! They just closed our schools for 3 weeks (including spring break) and the only people who will be able to help us are both of our parents who are in their latter 60's/early 70's. Everyone is in good health but seems like that won't help the cause.
kiwi / 680 posts
My son's preschool is closing for 25 work days. -_- The greater good. The greater good. The greater good.
kiwi / 635 posts
I’m in Santa Clara county in CA and most schools are still open. I’m so surprised bc so many of your schools are closed with so many less cases.
My husband just started working from home (mandatory) today, and my homeschool group just decided to move online (we just meet once a week). Santa Clara county has been definitely slower to react despite it having one of the highest number of diagnoses..
ETA: our libraries, public spaces are still open, some churches are still meeting... we have been very lax
persimmon / 1420 posts It took Seattle until over 300 cases to close (which happened yesterday, and we're at over 450 today). They closed our libraries, too. You are at 66 there according to some news sites- I bet you'll be closing soon, unfortunately.
pomegranate / 3438 posts I'm in Santa Clara County and my school district just sent out an email that they will be closing until April 12th, spring break is the week of April 6th.
cherry / 236 posts
Someone at my husband's office (Seattle area) died yesterday. Another staff member at a 2nd location (Portland) tested positive this morning. DH has been home for weeks on parental leave, but this is all wholly f***ed up. I'm so sad today.
pomegranate / 3438 posts
Our schools just closed for the next 4 weeks, including spring break. I'm going into my quarter end at work, husband is in sales so he has to be out of the house in order to earn any commissions. It's going to be an interesting month!
Daycare for my 3 year old closed this week through March 23rd. I wonder if it will now be extended due to the public schools closing.
persimmon / 1023 posts
We are in Ontario too with 3 cases in our city, travel related. Schools shut down for 3 weeks, just got notice our daycare is following suit, public pools/libraries/event centres. We are considering closing as well at our clinic (sports injuries). This is exhausting but I’m glad the city is proactive. Though Justin Trudeaus wife has Covid now! I bought a bunch of booze and ordered CBD oil so I’m trying to calm the eff down.
kiwi / 549 posts
Do you all think we should be telling our nanny not to come? She is in her 50s so medium risk. She’s not taking public transit anymore and only taking out DD to outside spaces. She’s very good about hand washing but obviously DD is constantly touching her. I would pay her if she didn’t come but we still need her since we are both working. But I’m not sure what the right thing to do is or if other people are telling their nannies not to come? Any thoughts? I will ask her if she is comfortable still coming but I know she’ll say yes no matter what.
cherry / 136 posts
@JJ2626: I think you are in SF as well - our nanny still has our kids and doesn't take public transit. We are basically isolating ourselves and she is as well. She takes our kids to her house and out to ride bikes or on hikes to non-crowded places.
persimmon / 1130 posts
Not a single parent showed up to conferences, so my team and I spent the time preparing to makes sure we have all the materials we need to teach online. So far our school is still on, but I feel like it’s only a matter of time. Not sure how I’ll teach from home while trying to teach my kindergartener and watch the two smaller ones, but I’m grateful I have a job where I won’t be out in the public the entire time.
I’m most nervous about my parents. They’re older, and my mom is finishing up chemotherapy. She only has one treatment left, thankfully, but I’m so worried about her immune system.
kiwi / 549 posts
@KNS: yes we are in sf! Hope you’re hanging in there. It’s wild times. Your approach makes sense. We had been letting her go to playgrounds but that may need to stop. It’s tricky bc she doesn’t drive but we will figure it out.
persimmon / 1390 posts
My daughter said 8 kids were absent from her 1st grade class today. Apparently some parents are already pulling their kids out.
Also is anyone listening to Trump right now? What a clusterfu*k. I can’t believe he hasn’t been tested after being directly exposed. What a selfish example.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
My 1st grader's school is closed until at least April 6th.
My husband's office (in a major city downtown) is doing a practice work-from-home-day on Tuesday where they still HAVE TO GO INTO THE OFFICE but "practice" working from laptops and cell phones. So ridiculous
persimmon / 1130 posts
@catgirl: I finished grabbing items for the Easter baskets today too.
pear / 1930 posts
Well, all Pennsylvania schools are closed for two weeks despite the fact that all of the cases being concentrated on one side of the state. So what happens when it comes to the other side? Do they close again? And how does this protect the older population? So many kids are going to be under the care of their grandparents because parents still have to work.
nectarine / 2821 posts
I am in the east Bay Area of SF, and our school district and most if not all surrounding districts closed till April 6. Our preschool followed their dates. I just feel like the “reopen” date is unrealistic if things are really going to “hit the fan”. Although I guess the point of doing all this is to hopefully stop it from spreading and contain things enough by that point?
grape / 79 posts
how are those of you with tiny babies faring? I have a two week old and am terrified he’s going to catch the virus. From what I’ve read, babies (including very young babies) have presented with mild symptoms but the data is so limited that I’m still very freaked out. My husband is a retail manager who is in contact with the public all day long and goes back to work Monday. I really need his help with night time feedings etc. but am so scared he’s going to bring the virus home with him. Would you bite the bullet and try to take care of all newborn care yourself? Just not sure that’s realistic I also have a four year old that I’ve stopped sending to preschool. Things are just starting to escalate in my area and schools are still open.
nectarine / 2431 posts
Just curious: for those of you who are experiencing school closures, is your state (assuming you are in the U.S.) requiring your children to come back during the summer to make up the days?
cherry / 236 posts
@crazydoglady: OSPI in WA said schools would not go later than June 19th.
kiwi / 518 posts
@crazydoglady: no. Having declared a state of emergency prevents them asking for more than the 5 snow days back.
cherry / 236 posts
@Cait1: I'm adequately freaked out. I have a 8wo and am terrified she, or any of my other kiddos, will get it. Particularly because "mild" in kids and babies still means anything up to and including "hospitalization for up to 3 weeks, intubation, but no respirator". It's definitely more rare but it is happening and I'm scared.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
I don’t know what to be most freaked out about honestly. And @helloperidot: is spot on, mild can include extended hospitalization in cases that would be fatal with an overwhelmed health system. honestly if our system gets completely overwhelmed I’m not sure our social fabric can take it, health care is already such a polarizing issue.
This week has been insane and I’m wondering where we will be at a week from now and if this weeks problems will seem minor then...exhausted from an 11 week old who doesn’t sleep, watching her and my two year old while participating in work meetings, trying to get my at risk parents and in laws to take it seriously, wiping down all the non perishables I bought with disinfectant...and it’s barely started...
cherry / 236 posts
@periwinklebee: I thought I was the only one disinfecting the groceries! Girl, I feel so seen.
nectarine / 2821 posts
@helloperidot: I think that with a newborn, any respiratory illness can become that serious, like literally a common cold, so I wouldn’t worry more about this virus except for how it affects resources and infrastructure around you. Your newborn is probably safer with your bigger kid out of school in general, from all the winter viruses! Any there’s not such thing as intubation without ventilation, not that it eases your mind at all! Eta I got two posts confused and you didn’t mention a bigger kid, oops!
nectarine / 2821 posts
@Cait1: I think if you don’t feel comfortable having him help with night feedings/newborn care, see if you can get him to do more of the general stuff to make it easier at home! I guess my response above to helloperidot was more like a mix of both of what you guys wrote, but I’ll repeat my comment that if your 4yo was in school in general your newborn would be more at risk of serious illness from all the regular winter illnesses. I know it’s hard to be calm but it sounds like you’re doing all the right things.
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