Hellobee Boards


Coronavirus - How is it affecting you?

  1. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    @crazydoglady: When we had a 6 day strike, we did not have to make up the days because we have enough instructional hours. The teachers had to do, like 2 extra day of professional development or something based on our contracted days. My husband's district had to extend each school day by an hour to hit the requirements.

  2. crazydoglady

    nectarine / 2431 posts

    @DesertDreams88: I guess it must vary? Are you guys closed?

  3. Alba4

    nectarine / 2951 posts

    I live just north of NYC. In the district wher I teach, we are closing Mon-Wed and then they will most likely close for longer. My home district will close for 2 weeks. We are expected to teach remotely, which stresses me out so much.

    I have lots of family and friends in NYC and I hope they stay safe. Both my parents have underlying conditions which make them very vulnerable (COPD and Heart disease).

    I feel super stressed and worried and then I go out in the sunshine and play in our yard with my boys and all feels normal.

  4. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    So much unknowns and I think that’s what worries me the most. I feel like we’ve been in isolation most of the winter after DS2 started daycare and we were finally all feeling better at once and now this.

    They announced this afternoon that they aren’t closing schools or daycare is in our province. DS1 is in grade one and they sent a list of what they can work on with a couple websites if they are ill and/or have to isolate. School has also cancelled all field trips, is closing the library, cancelled next weeks book fair and postponed their open house. They are also shutting off the water fountains.

    My work is making sure everyone is set up to work at home if needed. I had to bring my laptop home this weekend to make sure I can connect to the network since I’ve never brought it home. My workplace has also cancelled any workplace social gatherings.

    The only really crappy thing is next weekend is DS1’s bday and party. We haven’t cancelled yet and nobody has cancelled on coming yet. We did talk to DS tonight just to let him know we may have to postpone his party but we will still celebrate at home.

  5. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    @crazydoglady: no, bc next week is spring break and so I think they're waiting to see. Also, we have only had 9 cases and it's stayed the same for 3 days despite more tests being processed/done.

  6. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    We now have 30 cases in VA, 3 and soon to be 4 at the hospital where I work.

    Two days ago I started coughing. No fevers but high heart rate. I’m going to vent here because I honestly have no other place I can do it without threatening my job.

    Yesterday 4 highly trained, board-certified Emergency Physicians and I were fighting with hospital and epidemiology administrators to get patients tested. One of my partners took care of a patient for 45 min of direct contact with what later in the day turned out to be a positive case. We had to fight to get the patient tested (case was initially refused) and fight to get the appropriate test (with a 10 hr turnaround instead of 3-4 d). The nurse taking case of that patient, was in that room for over 4 hours total.

    Yes, as healthcare workers we signed up for this, and don’t get me wrong, we want to be here on the front lines of this fight. This is THE moment of my career in medicine. Our chance to really make a difference. I feel motivated and proud and ready to fight, even though there is lots of risk for me and my family.

    But what we didn’t sign up for is going to battle with no weapons, the wrong weapons, too few soldiers and a completely unknown enemy, which I’m starting to feel more and more is broader than just this virus.

    I’m anxious, exhausted, and we aren’t even near the peak of this. Your ER and hospital workers need help and support. Sign the petitions, ask questions of your leadership and support us in this fight. My cankles are too big already to do this alone.

  7. luckygirl

    grape / 75 posts

    @yellowbeach - I'm glad you have here to vent! And I'm sorry that our country's systems are not supporting you and other healthcare workers enough. Please keep us posted as to how things are on the front lines!

  8. petitenoisette

    pear / 1521 posts

    @yellowbeach: thank you for everything you’re doing. I’m sorry you’re not getting what you need to treat patients and protect yourself. Thinking of you

  9. mrs.kiwi

    kiwi / 635 posts

    @yellowbeach: thank you, thank you, thank you.

  10. josina

    pomegranate / 3973 posts

    @yellowbeach: Thank you!

    I’m really curious as to if the emergency declaration is going to make a difference and if more tests will actually be available as promised.

  11. SugarplumsMom

    bananas / 9227 posts

  12. macintosh

    pear / 1750 posts

    @yellowbeach: thank you for doing your very best

    I’m in Ohio and work for a mental heath agency. I’m under the IT director and I’m already know that they are making plans for telehealth and working from home. I can do some of my work from home, but a large part of it involves issuing mobile devices and having them delivered to different offices around the state.

    I already hear from a coworker in an unofficial capacity that they want us to limit our travel between offices. My gut instinct this morning reminded me that our office workers do not currently have laptops or cell phones. If I have to issue cell phones to 100-200 office workers next week that won’t be doable without help. Then our governor announced emergency provisions for increasing telehealth coverage. On Friday I spent half the day on a last minute request for one of our programs. That was just for 2 iPads

    My mom is a MH professional in private practice and she’s blaming me for putting her on edge about things. I think what she’s really afraid of and can’t admit is she may have to suspend much of her work that is done in person with clients. This all suuuucks.

  13. MeAgain

    pea / 16 posts

    @Andrea: where are you? I’m in Rye. Hey neighbor! (Formerly Sweetiepie, I’m hardly ever on here anymore).

  14. AngelicOne

    persimmon / 1050 posts

    @DesertDreams88: The Scottsdale school district is closed until 3/27 and possibly longer, but my son is only in preschool, and his preschool is staying open for now since they are small and can stay on top of cleaning & such.

  15. Andrea

    GOLD / wonderful coffee bean / 18478 posts

    @MeAgain: Hi! I’m in your town almost every day, errrr was as of yesterday. I live in the next town south of you, by the water.

  16. MeAgain

    pea / 16 posts

    @Andrea: gotcha! We’re so close! We only moved here in July.

  17. DesertDreams88

    grapefruit / 4361 posts

    @AngelicOne: Yeah, there are a ton of AZ school districts closed now. I hear that the governor is having a conference call with all of the superintendents next Tuesday (that is from someone with a close connection to the district admin).

  18. nwm

    clementine / 830 posts

    @yellowbeach: thank you so much for all you’re doing. I’m so curious to know/struggle to understand why people are fighting you on testing—rationing tests? Are there also not enough ppe to just wear them when case is presumptive but unconfirmed? You may not have time to answer which I totally understand, but I so appreciate hearing your perspective at this time.

  19. gotkimchi

    nectarine / 2400 posts

    Has anyone had to quarantine or had a close coworker test positive?

  20. Andrea

    GOLD / wonderful coffee bean / 18478 posts

    @MeAgain: maybe we can meet up after this is all over!

  21. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @nwm: The state health departments have been rationing tests due to how few each had for the whole state. They were distributed by the CDC based on presence of cases, so states with no cases only got 40 to start, and had to reorder them one by one as each was used. So last week in VA we had 40, this week we now have ~150.

    That lead to under testing, and as a result, many days of states being able to say “don’t worry, we still have no positive cases” and then boom. As the illness took course, patients became critically ill and then and only then met criteria for testing. And that’s how each state started to see its “first” cases. Now that private labs are coming on board, physicians have discretion and control of ordering some tests, but even then those have a 4-5 day turnaround.

    The PPE thing is interesting and I don’t admittedly have as much insight into. One hospital system I work for is just local to VA, the other a big national conglomerate presumably with more stockpiles and ability to shift PPE from regions lowly affected to those with high case loads. Not all hospitals have that option. And a lot of outpatient offices don’t have anything except the few boxes in their closet, and no buying power/clout if they are small practices.

  22. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @gotkimchi: If I spoke a fever for any reason this week I’m sure my employer will doom me to quarantine. I developed a cough Thursday morning (3 days now) so I went to employee health to get a viral panel (10 viruses, but not Covid). It was negative. So that means it could be Covid. They are basically waiting for me to just get a little sicker before they pull the trigger to test and quarantine me.

  23. gotkimchi

    nectarine / 2400 posts

    @yellowbeach: my husbands close coworker as in they share an office developed a cough yesterday, 101 fever today, sounds like they might test him tomorrow. Trying to wrap my head around what that will mean for us.

    Hope you feel better soon and stay safe

  24. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @gotkimchi: Well, the US model of quarantine is to send him home to infect the whole household. The Chinese model is what ideally (from a public health standpoint) should happen where he's not allowed to go home and instead has to wait out his quarantine at a designated facility. Hoping he's negative if he gets tested.

  25. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    Is everybody doing full stop, no play dates, total isolation? It’s been one day and my six year old is begging for play dates - wondering if we should team up with, like, one family, and be “isolation buddies”?

  26. autumnleaves

    pear / 1622 posts

    @yellowbeach: thank you for all that you are doing and letting us know what it is like. This year is my husband’s first year working as a nurse at the hospital and he already ended up with pneumonia in December so I feel like he is likely going to end up testing positive at some point too. They hadn’t had any cases or suspected cases yet as of his last shift but he goes back Monday and it’s inevitably going to be different. I feel like the hospital is organized but cases are going to skyrocket this week and in the weeks to come. I hope closing schools helps. I hope they have the supplies they need.

  27. foodiebee

    kiwi / 662 posts

    @gotkimchi: A coworker of mine has a neighbor who just tested positive, so it's creeping closer to me.

    @yellowbeach: Thank you, seriously, for the work that you and your DH do. (Did you see the video of Spain when they announced their quarantines and everyone started singing to thank the doctors, etc.?) I hope you feel better and do not have to go into quarantine!!

  28. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @yellowbeach: Thank you, thank you!

    The cdc has screwed up so bad...I dont know what else to say, anything is a gross understatement, I’m so sorry you have to be facing these circumstances...

  29. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    Heading into work tomorrow from 11am-8pm as the triage doc at my big hospital... and today the powers that be changed the screening and testing flow algorithm twice. And no doubt I will wake up to a new pathway tomorrow morning and have to figure that out...

    Stress and tensions in everyone are boiling over at work. Everyone is on edge as reality finally sets in for those late to the party, and everyone sees more of the disorganization and lack of concrete plans. It's palpable amongst the staff, from nurses to cleaning services to doctors. It's like waiting on the tracks for a train to come, knowing you can't jump out of the way.

  30. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    Oh, and you guys can ask me whatever you want and I'm happy to try and answer... I know there's so much confusion and misinformation. My only sister and her whole family also live in Italy, so I'm getting that perspective, too.

  31. Anagram

    eggplant / 11716 posts

    Both the district where I work, and where we live just outside NYC are closed “for two weeks”, but I guess it will be longer. Our city just shut down everrrrythingggff, which is a good thing. Schools, daycares, gyms, all classes, public playgrounds, movie theaters, and now restaurants have to go delivery/takeout only. So it’s crazy up in here.

    Meanwhile, I have had a “headache” for 4 consecutive days. It’s a screaming headache that only half responds to regular medicine. The only other time in my life I’ve had this was when I had flu A, and my symptoms are similar—no fever, but generally run down and this horrible, never ending headache. Some nasal stuffiness but otherwise fine, just the headache is the main thing. Apparently, my body fights things off by giving me a headache? Or maybe I’m about to have an aneurysm. 🤷‍♀️

    And Monday, my husband and I will both be working from home, with 2 kids, in a smallish condo. It’s going to get interesting with all the “social distancing”.

  32. Anagram

    eggplant / 11716 posts

    @macintosh: tell your mom to find a way to meet her patients online. She should start making preparations now so people can keep getting their treatment.

  33. helloperidot

    cherry / 236 posts

    @erinbaderin: we are doing full stop no playdates total isolation. It really sucks for my kids; we are in an apartment and can't even blow off steam on a playground.

    @yellowbeach: thank you for everything that you are doing. I can't express enough how amazing you and your colleagues are. Please take care of yourself and stay safe as best as you can.

    Y'all, I keep hearing chatter that all of the greater Seattle area will be quarantined on Sunday night. I am low key freaking out about this even though I support quarantine.

  34. nwm

    clementine / 830 posts

    @yellowbeach: wow. So unacceptable. Thank you so much for all you are doing at the frontlines.

  35. peaches1038

    nectarine / 2047 posts

    @helloperidot: I live in the seattle area and have heard that too but nothing concrete or even in writing. Do you have any sources?

  36. helloperidot

    cherry / 236 posts

    This comment has been deleted by the original poster.

  37. helloperidot

    cherry / 236 posts

    @peaches1038: I replied thinking you were talking about playgrounds and not quarantine! I haven't seen anything in writing or official, it's all just scuttlebutt from various mom friends and the gaping black hole that is the internet. I was surprised to hear it from multiple unrelated sources, though. Who are you hearing it from?

  38. Becky

    persimmon / 1390 posts

    We just had 3 presumptive positive cases confirmed in our county yesterday (so waiting on the CDC results). I’m in NY and at this point several of the counties I work with have positives, and I work with schools and food service directors on programming that is non essential so I’m thinking I will likely be facing unpaid leave. It’s a big bummer because I will also not be paid much for maternity leave this summer. DH’s job shouldn’t be too affected and if anything people will have more time to meet with him (he’s a financial advisor).

  39. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    All this is just surreal. Yesterday I went grocery shopping for some fresh food and couldn’t believe all the empty shelves.

    We have one more week until spring break. Our province hasn’t closed schools but they are saying if they do they will be closed for the remainder of the year. This is kind of freaking me out. This would have a huge impact on the business I work for and I could see a lot more layoffs happening. I can’t even imagine having to work from home for that many months with two kids at home.

  40. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @yellowbeach: I just wanted to thank you for your efforts on the frontlines and for taking the time to share your perspective. I also subscribe to ten percent happier which is a mindfulness/meditation app and they are offering free access for healthcare workers:
    “we are offering free six-month subscriptions to the Ten Percent Happier app, no strings attached, to all healthcare workers and volunteers. It is our sincere hope that the proven tools and techniques we teach can help support them in this trying time. Healthcare workers can simply email us at care@tenpercent.com and they will be sent instructions on how to get access.”

    They are also offering free access to some of their Coronavirus related anxiety content for anyone who wants it.

    I hope this may help someone—nothing in it for me, but it has been a sanity saver personally.

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