Okay, so I've been reading tons of old HB posts and I'm still just not sure what my body is doing, haha.

So I'm pretty sure I've been experiencing bloody show all morning. I've gone to the bathroom every hour so far and there's always mucus tinged with blood. I think that's bloody show - someone correct me if I'm wrong.

So here's my other symptom. Ever since I got to work, I keep experience this... pressure... that comes and goes. I feels more located in my rectum/lower back though than in the front though. Kind of like I really need to go #2, though every time I've tried this morning, nothing comes out. It comes in waves maybe every 10-15 minutes. I haven't been timing it. Each time, it only lasts about 15 seconds or so, so I know it's not like I need to rush to the hospital or anything but... could this be early labor?