Mrs. Bee hasn't been feeling well lately.

As a result, I've been taking care of Charlie more than usual the last few days, and it's given me a very very small taste of what it would be like to be a single dad. And let me just say: wow. It's harder than I had imagined!

I have been blown away by this small peek into the world of single parenthood. I mean, I think I could maybe pull it off with one kid... but could I do it with two under two? It just seems impossible, but I know there are people who do it AND work full-time. A huge hat tip to anyone out there pulling that off every day!

And if I was a single dad... I would have to get a 9-5 job that's less demanding. Or maybe start taking some pills so that I would never ever have to sleep. Somehow, somewhere, I'd have to find more time to make it work.

That said, there are parts of the last few days that I've really loved. I've been taking Charlie on long walks every evening, and he has truly loved them. It has helped me realize that I need to step up my game as a dad, and do father/son things with him every day instead of just sticking him in front of YouTube with his favorite video playlists. Not that I would ever do that... god, what a horrible parent I would be if I relied on that trick every single morning while packing Charlie's lunch.

Another thing I've learned is that when you work harder for your kids, you love them more. Whoever invented that trick must've been a single parent, because it is awesome.

Anyway it's been a humbling experience, but also an empowering one. I love being a dad, and it's great to feel like I could possibly take care of at least one of the kids on my own in an emergency. Even if I'm probably just kidding myself, and wouldn't last more than a few days!

Could you raise your child alone - or are you currently raising your child by yourself? I'd love to hear your stories... and advice!!