Hellobee Boards


Cramps on cycle day 17

This is our first month TTC. I don't know if I've ovulated yet, or if it's possible to get pregnancy symptoms this early. The last few days I've had mild cramping, but especially today I had stronger cramps in my stomach area and lower back that are similar to cramps when AF is coming. Is it possible to get pregnancy symptoms this early? From what I've read it's usually 6-12 days after conception. I don't usually get cramps unless AF is on its way and that's still two weeks away. Thoughts?

  1. Mamaof2

    squash / 13208 posts

    @MsBAM: sounds like ovulation cramps

  2. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    That's what happens when I'm ovulating and I typically ovulate day 17.

  3. Tionn3

    kiwi / 680 posts

    It could be ovulation cramping. Sometimes I get a pain in my right side kind of like on the inside of my hip bone and it almost feels like a tightness. It doesn't happen all the time.

    Another thing to think about. Sometimes prenatal vitamins can cause cramping. I was on a prenatal vitamin for a couple months and realized that the vitamins were causing me to have weird cramps. I think it may have been the iron, but it was driving me insane. So I stopped taking the prenatal and the cramping stopped. Now I just take 800mcg of folic acid...the doctor told me that is really the most important thing.

  4. MsBAM

    apricot / 265 posts

    @Tionn3: Maybe it is the prenatal vitamin. I've been on it three months and this is the first time I've experienced cramping to this extent.

  5. MsBAM

    apricot / 265 posts

    @Mamaof2 @winniebee: I hope it's ovulation cramping!

  6. Tionn3

    kiwi / 680 posts

    @MsBAM: If you want to do a little experiment, you can cut the prenatal and just take the 800mcg of folic acid. I found that the relief from the cramping made things much better, and the folic acid doesn't have any weird side effects like constipation, diarrhea, or green poop( gross I know). The folic acid really is the most important thing for when you are ttc. I added a fish oil supplement too because I read that can be good for brain development. Sometimes I feel like the one size fits all prenatals don't work out for everyone.

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