Ds2 is 5.5 weeks old. He's a relatively calm baby and hasn't shown the obvious signs of dairy allergy or silent reflux but has mild symptoms that's making my mama instinct think he may have a mild case. I'm not really sure though if it's common newborn symptoms in general or if it is a sensitivity or reflux.
He has spitup sometimes that looks like cottage cheese. Or spits up what seems more than a tablespoon. But he's gaining and growing like a champ. He also doesn't fuss during feedings. He sometimes coughs/chokes during nursing though, and I don't think my letdown is fast. He has also spit up a lil bit and swallowed it back down.
He has yellow seedy diapers but sometimes there's strings of mucous.
He is also congested at nighttime, I can hear it in the back of his nose and throat ( though he did catch ds1's head cold at three weeks ). He grunts a lot too and is gassy sometimes.
I'm confused because he's generally a really calm and happy baby and sleeps well in his crib and actually dislikes the swing. He usually does a 4 hour stretch from 8-12 and then the rest of the night he wakes every 2.5-3 hours and catnaps a lot with one or two longer naps during the day (2-3 hours). But the above "symptoms" have me wondering if he might have a sensitivity.
If your lo had either of these did they have obvious signs? Anyone with similar mild symptoms?
I'm going dairy free just to see if there's an improvement or if I'm just overthinking normal infant things!