I posted a bit about this earlier this week, but with some recent developments, I have a few more questions. Quick overview:
For the past 6 weeks we've thought LO had reflux and her doc put her on Zantac. She's been getting worse (TONS of night wake ups where she sounds in pain, same amount of spit up, grunting, etc.). When I called about it on Monday her doc told me to cut dairy before we upped the Zantac dosage and to see if that helped. I don't drink cows milk (bothers MY tummy) but I still eat yogurt and cheeses, which I cut out Monday. Then yesterday I realized that I was still getting dairy through Caseins and whey in processed foods. So really we've only been dairy free for 24 hours, not to mention it takes up to a few WEEKS for it to leave your system completely.
Anyway, today she's had really mucousy poops that are almost green, and her last one even had a teensy bit of blood. Also, she's had a stuffy nose for the past three weeks - all major signs of dairy intolerance. We have an appointment today to check her weight for a Zantac dosage increase (although I don't know if reflux meds are needed anymore?) and i want to make sure I find out as much as possible about the dairy stuff by asking the right questions. So, two questions:
Does this sound like your dairy intolerance experience and what should I ask the doc?