Looking for some advice/input/whatever... DD is 4 months old. She's been at daycare for about 5-6 weeks now. She takes 3 bottles, each 4 oz., roughly every 3 hours while there. So she nurses at home around 6-6:30 am and when we get home around 7. Daycare bottles tend to be around 9, 12 and 3, give or take. Her teacher has recommended larger bottles a couple of times now because she'll be fussy before the 3 hour mark. I've tried to explain to her the quantity different between EBF bottles versus formula (she doesn't have kids herself) so she doesn't automatically think 4 oz is too little. I went off the 1 - 1 1/2 oz per hour away guideline for the bottles. Fussy doesn't mean hungry though. Sometimes she hasn't napped and is just tired, or is gassy, it varies... Last Saturday we went to the pediatrician for her monthly check up. We saw an older male doctor for the first time. When I asked about this, his recommendation was to supplement with formula which I'm rather against doing.

So I guess what I'm trying to figure out is whether her bottle amount/frequency/quantity is normal... Mommy instinct tells me it's fine and she nurses kinda on par with that during the weekend. She doesn't come home super upset or anything else to indicate she's hungry. But the teachers comments are starting to annoy me... I tried giving a "snack" bottle today if she's hungrier before pick up and, of course, they fed it to her. So now I need to re-specify only if needed! Thoughts? Help? Am I wrong here somehow?