LO is 8 months old and has been in daycare for 4 months. The entire time his teachers have been constantly asking for more milk and food. When he started out I wasn't sure how much he needed as he was EBF so I was happy to oblige and send bigger bottles and I was pumping enough to be able to do it. Then he hit 6 months and they wanted bigger bottles going from 4 oz to 5 oz and I did it. Though I was sort of against it because we were starting solids too and wasn't pumping that much. Then they wanted to increase it again last month and I said no. I said I would provide more baby food instead and that seemed to work out alright.

In the last few weeks we have noticed that LO is really grouchy when he finishes eating. We thought he just needed more but when we feed him more at home he throws up. Well, since we are increasing food a bit and I was killing myself to pump 15 oz (3 pumps at work, one after bedtime and I was adding a middle of the night pump to help keep up) for his daily bottles, we dropped down to 4.5 oz and then 4 oz over the course of several weeks and he seemed fine, or so we thought. His teachers are pushing for more milk or food again and complaining that he his crying when he's done. I want to tell them no, I think he doesn't realize when he's full and then keeps eating then he throws up. However, I'm not sure how to talk to them about it. I was thinking about talking to his doctor first and seeing what they thought. Any ideas here? I'm really not sure what to do in this situation.