LO is almost 4 months now, and she's been in daycare for a month.

When we first started taking her, they seemed so excited to see her every morning. Now, they don't even smile or make an effort to take her from me when I drop her off. And when I pick her up in the evening and ask about how her day went, they seem annoyed with having to answer my questions.

Since she's been in daycare, she has had a horrible time napping (like, 20 min naps - max!), and she's picked up 2 colds and a stomach bug from there in the past 3 weeks, which only makes her naps worse (not to mention she's not sleeping well at night either).

And yesterday, they told me that she was inconsolable and screamed for 45 min straight. When I asked if they tried swaddling and rocking her, they said "Well, we tried for a little bit but we have 8 babies here so we can't always devote that kind of time to just one baby"... (they have 3 adults for 8 babies)

My frustration is really building and I'm not sure what to do or say to them. I don't want them to think I'm telling them how to do their job, but it is my baby and I want her to get the care she needs.

Is this just what it's like in daycare?? Do I need to back off and stop asking how she did?

ETA: The room she's in only goes up to 9 months. I feel like only one of the 3 ladies actually likes being there. The other two seem to get so annoyed with the babies that cry more, yet they LOVE the older ones that are crawling around and give them lots of attention.