So, recently our daycare has been moving a bunch of babies out of the infant room and into the young toddler room. Two of them were walking, so I understand why they moved. However, they are moving one baby who is still crawling. And there is talk about moving the last 2 babies into the young toddler room as well to make room for new babies (1 is crawling, the other is not). FYI- none of these kids are 1 yet. So, it has gone from my LO being the youngest till now the oldest and he's only 7 months. I understand the daycare wants to make money and the best way is by bringing in new kids but I worry my LO will suffer now that he is surrounded by babies that are much younger than him. He had been doing amazing with his milestones and I know that was due to him being surrounded by babies slightly older than him. I'm thinking about talking to the daycare owner about this because the trend is concerning. What do you think? The young toddlers room has no cribs and they only take 1 nap.