The baby room at D's daycare is 6 weeks through 12-16 months depending on how mobile the child is. So, in my head, D would be in this room at least through October but probably through December.
Well, we got a note yesterday that they are splitting the baby room into Baby 1 and Baby 2. The more mobile babies are moving up to Baby 2. They didn't say what the age would be, but it sounds like it will be 8-9 months - 1.5 years.
I'm excited, because I think it will make the transition to the "toddler" room a little easier. They said they are going to focus on transitioning from crib to cot and high chair to regular chair. And that there will be more room for the mobile babies to move around.
Soo... this is all great! But, I'm just not ready for my baby to be a toddler. Where did the time go? I'm loving that we get to see her personality more and more, so I love this stage... but she's just not a baby.
... enter baby fever...
Anyone else's daycare LO moving up in rooms yet?