So my LO has been in daycare since April. It's a great facility and really focuses on learnig through fun etc.
However, I have become alittle concerned that my LO is getting a little lost in the shuffle.
He is super easy going but he doesn't like loud, chaotic scenes with lots of other kids. I totally get this as I am pretty similar, however, I do want him to be able to mix with other kids a little better than he is but of course I don't want to force it. That said, on many evening when DH goes to pick him up, he says that LO is sitting there on his own which worries me
Additionally, we have had mega eating problems with LO in that he is beyond fussy and won't eat all day long until he gets home. We have asked daycare to monitor his eating and really report to us how he is doing and they have been decent about that.
So all that to say, I wonder if he would do better in a montessori or other (?) environment, I wonder if the more 'independent' environment would encourage him to eat better and socialize better or would it just entrench him in his ways more.
Any outside insight would be great!!