2 months ago we lost our house to a massive house fire. The worst fire our town has had in the last 10 years. We lost everything and it wasn't just a house to us. My husband built our house and it's just been devastating. I belong to a Mom group and when the fire happened only a handful of them reached out to me. Since the fire I have gone to a few playdates but just leave annoyed. A few Mom's spend the entire time complaining about silly things and gossiping about other people. I've tried to talk about things happening with the house and my feelings just to be interrupted by 1 specific mom every single time. She then goes on long rants about people at church. I'm just fed up with them. They complain about everything and here I am actually dealing with BIG stuff and I can't get a word in. I really want to send out an email to express my feelings and then remove myself from the group. I don't want to cause any issues but I know if I just remove myself I will be getting emails asking why. What are your thoughts? How do you deal with Mom's you genuinely dislike.

Edit: After writing this I collected my thoughts a bit. I think it's totally unfair for me to devalue the everyday stressors they are facing. I did send and email but just stated that at this time I'm having a hard time being a good friend and I'm going to step back for awhile.