kiwi / 680 posts
@Mrs. K: I love Jane the Virgin! Such a great show! Yeah the past 8 months have been hard. I don't really get excited at the beginning of my cycle anymore, and I'm just trying to get through the next 3 months until I can go to the doctor with my DH. I try to remind myself to enjoy the time we have without a baby.
As for holiday recipes I really like homemade pumpkin pie! I made one from scratch for Thanksgiving this year, I even roasted the pumpkin and butternut squash myself to make the filling. I'm also looking forward to visiting my family for Christmas. My DH and I are Jewish so we are also looking forward to Hannukah and it is fun that it starts on Christmas Eve this year =]
apricot / 308 posts
@Tionn3: I am totally with ya- the TTC journey has been a lot more stressful than I ever imagined. It also felt a little isolating to go through the ups and downs of getting excited for a new cycle and the eventual appearance of AF and feel like there was no one to talk to. Everyone's advise is always "just relax" but that feels next to impossible at times. Each month is a little easier to pass without a BFP to celebrate like I hoped for but it is discouraging at times as well. As much as I can see myself as a mother, the possibility of getting pregnant seems to get further away. Try to stay positive and glad we have each other's support through this journey!! It will be our turn someday!
Homemade pumpkin pie sounds amazing! Was it worth making from scratch? I think I'm going to make my Bailey's Irish creme fudge this year and my apricot white chocolate squares (always a big hit! Let me know if you want the recipe) and YAY for Hanukkah!!
kiwi / 680 posts
@Mrs. K: Gah! I hate it when people tell me to "just relax". I know they mean well, but it is super insulting. As if me just relaxing is going to magically get me pregnant, it just insinuates that it is all my fault for not getting pregnant. The other one I hate hearing is, " maybe you're trying to hard" what does that mean?! People think you can just get pregnant any time of the month because they don't understand science...
I was going to buy a can of the pumpkin puree from the store this weekend and remake my pie to see if it really was worth it. The one I made with the roasted pumpkin and butternut squash puree was pretty darn good. I think it may have been worth it. Apricot white chocolate squares sound good!
apricot / 308 posts
@Tionn3: well I caved... I wasn't going to use my clearblue Opk anymore because I felt like it was stressing me a bit but they were a good deal on Amazon so I bought another one are you using an opk or monitor of any kind? I'm still undecided as to whether or not I will use it. I guess the alternative plan is BD every other day. I am also getting myself mentally prepared for a plan of when I will seek medical intervention.
You will had to let me know how the pie turns out with the can pumpkin instead!
kiwi / 680 posts
@Mrs. K: I started using opks on our third cycle trying. Before that I was doing BBT and tracking on the Kindara app. I think I tracked for about a year before we started trying. I thought it was cool to see what my body was doing. After talking with my OBGYN friend last month, she suggested just BD every other day, so that is what I've done this cycle, and I kind of use the OPKs as a way to track, so I can predict when my period is going to come. I don't ovulate the same time every month so the OPKs are useful.
pear / 1553 posts
Cycle Day: 21
TTC Cycle #: 19
POAS Date: 12/8
Baby #: 1
Your plan: Plan... hahaha. If we don't get PG this cycle or the next I am going to go on Clomid. It's been a year and a half of trying with no luck. But our RE says we are both perfectly healthy and fertile and he's almost certain I'm ovulating. So who knows what's up. Not particularly holding out hope this month as O fell right around Thanksgiving and I was not about to BD in my old bedroom at my parent's house, LOL! We got one in on CD10 so we'll see.
Favorite Holiday activity: Family white elephant gift exchange.
nectarine / 2317 posts
well with my BFN this morning I think i'll be joining this.
Cycle Day: waiting on AF
TTC Cycle #: 6
POAS Date: Jan 1
Baby #:2
Your plan: I have testing this cycle, so HSG and full cycle monitoring with daily blood work and ultrasounds. DH will do his SA. It's the holidays so things will be busy anyway!
Favorite Holiday activity: I love snowboarding but it's been too long since i've done it.
kiwi / 680 posts
Last night I took my prenatal vitamin and then had a glass of wine to chase it down...I felt like it appropriately summed up the TTC after 6 months feeling. Thought it would be fun to share with everyone.
disclaimer : my obgyn friend told me it's okay to drink in moderation ( a glass of wine every now and then) until you get a positive pregnancy test.
apricot / 308 posts
@Tionn3: haha!! That is a perfect summary of life these days! So I decided to follow instruction from another website about staying positive while ttc and made a bunch of sticky notes with positive phrases on them. I literally have a sticky note posted on my bathroom mirror that says "my uterus and ovaries are ready to make a baby" (per the website's recommendations) and "healthy cervical mucous" on my closet door lol as silly as I felt putting up all the notes last night, they actually made me smile today and I'm going to try to be positive about the process as much as possible! I feel like I have to make a choice each day to not let this ttc journey get me down. We got this!!
kiwi / 680 posts
@Mrs. K: That is a good idea. I think my post it note would say "this is normal" or maybe "everything is okay".
apricot / 308 posts
@Tionn3: I should add that one to the mix actually! We have to remind ourselves that this is totally a normal time frame. Despite that I am debating getting my hormones checked in a couple months if no bfp. My friend ended up finding out around 10 months TTC that her progesterone levels were too low and she wishes she would have gotten that checked out sooner. My new insurance kicks in in January and I'll have Kaiser so perhaps then I'll get it all checked out.
kiwi / 680 posts
I got a BFN this morning at 11DPO. It was kind of a bummer, but I was a little relieved because it means I won't be pregnant while in Ireland. I imagine I would be super stressed out on my vacation knowing I was in a delicate phase of pregnancy. I'll hold my head high and move on to cycle 9. Should get my period on Thursday. Cycle 9 is the same cycle my mom got pregnant with me...Maybe we will conceive a little babe in Ireland, I'm set to possibly be ovulating while we are there, and a big bonus is that my entire TWW will be spent in Ireland with tons of distractions =] I guess that is a pretty cool silver lining =]
nectarine / 2317 posts
@Tionn3: Honestly.. ireland is SOOO much better if you're drinking! Fingers crossed for cycle 9, sometimes a change of scenery is all you'll need.
nectarine / 2317 posts
OMG I just won a competition with Carters for a $250 gift but it includes a babyshower for an expectant mother in store... I entered hoping I would be pregnant... I'm not..
kiwi / 680 posts
@bizwitch: @Banana330: Thanks guys. Yeah I totally agree Ireland will be way more fun with drinking, especially since the weather will probably be ugly, and the only thing we'll be able to do is get drunk (more like buzzed in my case) and go to museums and eat. I'm already super stoked about walking around museums intoxicated.
pear / 1553 posts
I've been doing GREAT so far this TWW, mostly because we only had one BD in the window, at CD10, so it's not likely that we get knocked up this cycle.
But at T-minus 2 days to AF it's starting to consume me again! At least a two day wait is better than a two week wait I guess!
Oh, and my mom just for the first time asked us when she's going to have grandkids. Three of her four kids are now married and proclaim to want children one day. We marrieds range in age from 30-36 (youngest sister is 27 and has a long-term boyfriend who lives halfway across the country) and my parents are in their early 60s, so I know they're getting anxious as they see everyone we grew up with have kids, and all their friends become grandparents.
But then my mom immediately said "Just kidding! I don't want to be that mom!" So clearly if it did sneak out of her mouth she's been wanting it for a while.
She's a little bit (or a lot) of a control freak so I haven't told her how long we've been trying or that we've been to the RE. I don't want her to take this whole thing over. She's the person that will search for jobs for unemployed friends of mine - she literally takes on everyone else's problems as her own. I just can't deal with that. I just tell her that we do want kids and it'll happen when it happens.
Really you guys (and my husband, duh) are the only ones who know the extent of it. I feel like people who aren't trying or don't want kids at all (most of my friends who are close enough to confide in) just sort of glaze over when I bring it up. I mean it's really repetitive to just be like "not pregnant again." There's no update until there's an update.
I did have one friend, a couple actually who are close friends with me and my husband, who reacted very poorly when we told them we were trying. Or really, NTNP. I could not believe they said this to me, but basically how it was going to affect them. How I wouldn't have as much time to hang out and my husband wouldn't have as much time to dedicate to a project he and the other dude work on together. I was so hurt!! But I didn't really express that very well. I think about that sometimes now and I'm like... I bet she feels really bad for ever telling me that, since it's been a year and a half and I haven't gotten pregnant. Or at least I hope she feels bad! Sometimes I think I should bring it up to her again because I never really got a solid apology on that one and it still stings.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@bizwitch: that sucks. People get strange about changes even when they shouldn't really have an opinion on them! Hopefully things aren't still weird.
nectarine / 2317 posts
I had my day 3 tests done today. Nurse said everything looked good and there were no concerns so that's promising. Now on to the monitoring for ovulation.
pear / 1553 posts
@Banana330: Not really weird anymore. I am not one to hold a grudge. But I'd still like to tell her, eventually, how hurtful that was.
Glad to hear your 3 day test results are normal.
pear / 1553 posts
One more day til AF is due. Not fixating, not going crazy, no, not at all...
kiwi / 680 posts
@bizwitch: It's so hard when you're close to the end. Even though I've gotten 2 BFNs I still have this sadistic sense of hope that maybe I'll miss my period.
On the flip side, I found a new distraction. I've been binge watching Outlander on Starz. Oh wowie, it's a good one.
pear / 1553 posts
@Tionn3: Stay strong! I haven't tested bc our timing was so bad this cycle.
apricot / 308 posts
@Banana330: happy to hear your day 3 results cam back normal!
@Tionn3: Sorry to hear about your BFN and I know what you mean about hoping AF still doesn't show up. But I agree that Ireland will be so much more fun since you can now enjoy the pub culture there and get tipsy before museums checkout the documentary on Netflix titled The Irish Pib before you head out there. It covers the history and deep rooted culture of Irish pubs, pretty interesting!
@Bizwitch: I think it's great to someday talk to your friend and like you said- I'm sure she didn't realize the impact of her comment. Before TTC I would ask my friend every now and again how "baby making" was going not realizing that it would have been better for me to just let her open up on her own about it but I thought I was being caring. I didn't get it then but I get it now. Like you said there's no update until there's an update and I was probably annoying. I'm glad you want to "clear the air!"
Lastly, thank goodness for this group! You guys are an awesome group of strong women and I'm grateful I can share my thoughts and feelings with you all. TTC can become stressful and isolating and being able to talk freely here has helped alleviate some of those feelings. So thanks!
pear / 1553 posts
You guys AF is due today and I did NOT test this morning! Holding out until at least tomorrow when I'd officially be late.
pear / 1852 posts
I was very hopeful this month, even though I tried not to be, lol. I had two days spotting, then nothing so I tested and got a BFN. Light spotting again the next day, and then Saturday AF came back heavy and bringing cramps with her. So I'm out. Onto next round!
POS Dec 25th.
kiwi / 680 posts
@Mrs. K: I will most certainly watch that documentary! Sounds like something my DH would enjoy too!
@bizwitch: Keep it up girl! I admire your will power.
@Mrs. D: I'm so sorry. Be kind to yourself. Hot cocoa!!
pear / 1553 posts
Just looked back at my charts for the last year and my cycle has ranged between 25-30 days. So really I should wait until CD31 to test if AF doesn't show. That would be Sunday. We'll see if I can wait that long!
But I'm like 99% sure AF will come. I mean that's what's happened the last 18 cycles so why wouldn't it happen again this time? Wahhh.
kiwi / 680 posts
@bizwitch: I feel ya on the last statement . Wahhh indeed. I read some pretty good research articles that said expectant management ( that is the medical term for waiting and trying on your own) for couples with unexplained fertility yields a 30 - 60% chance of pregnancy by the 3rd year of trying. But then it's like...3 years. jeez.
pear / 1553 posts
@Tionn3: 30-60 % is not encouraging after three whole years! If another year and a half passes and we haven't gotten pregnant I will probably start seriously looking into adoption. I can't wait forever to be a parent! Especially because we'd like to have two.
pear / 1553 posts
Just POAS and got a BFN. AF hasn't shown yet, but that's not really unusual for me. Harumph.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@bizwitch: sorry.. BFN aren't any easier even when you expect them.
kiwi / 680 posts
I'm calling myself out. I had a temp drop this morning at 14dpo and spotting. Onto cycle 9.
pear / 1553 posts
@Tionn3: Ugh, sorry sister. Bottoms up for a little luck o' the Irish next month!
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