Hi all!
Cycle Day:
TTC Cycle #:
POAS Date:
Baby #:
Your plan:
Favorite Holiday activity:
I just got back on the boards after a hiatus. Hubby was gone for summer work (as usual for about 4 months) with a visit home in the middle with what should have been perfect timing..... except I had gallbladder surgery.....
Now this cycle we AGAIN have perfect timing so I'm hopeful.
But when I look at the bees names on the TTC boards, I don't see many familiar faces from before the summer, so I'm feeling a little lonely with my now 1 year + journey.
So I'm hoping there are a few TTC 6 months+ bees who'd be interested in our own board again, I don't see a recent thread.
Cycle Day: 15
TTC Cycle #: 14
Ovulation: Nov 19th?
POAS Date: Dec 3rd
Baby #: 2
Your plan: Lots of green tea and going at it like rabbits this weekend.
Favorite Holiday activity: Baking Christmas cookies.