nectarine / 2317 posts
Congrats! SPINNY, MommySLP, MRS. MICROSCOPE, Mrsbrewer
Dec 13 - LEM93, DaniNae
Dec 19 - coddergirl
Dec 24 - Knittylady
Dec 28 - MRS. D
Dec 29 - Babybeeforme
Dec 31 - Banana330
coconut / 8854 posts
Thaaaank you all! I'm still pretty shocked. Haven't told Dh yet, waiting for him to get home from work! Called to make an appt and they are figuring out when I should come in. I may have to do betas first
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@Banana330: Really glad to hear the HSG went well.
@snarkybiochemist: Sorry, the waiting sounds super hard. You're almost there,
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@snarkybiochemist: Hah, hah, we all are. I'm more impatient at the end of each cycle than I am about anything else in life, by like a wide margin. And we haven't started treatments yet, which I'm sure makes the impatience that much worse. Keeping my fingers crossed!
honeydew / 7968 posts
@MrsBrewer: hugs!!!! I'm sooo happy to hear you got your rainbow baby so soon! Praying for a very sticky and healthy baby!!!
coconut / 8854 posts
@tequiero21: ️
️Thank you!! I totally stalk the June 2017 boards hahah. I can't believe it happened this quickly!
coffee bean / 30 posts
I'm new, first month POAS at the end of the month (29th).
I'm excited to be starting, but anxious about getting through all the end of year festivities while keeping it to myself. Lots of social events I'll be 'driving later, can't drink' or 'not feeling great, will hold a glass of wine for an hour and then just swap to water'.
nectarine / 2180 posts
@periwinklebee: oh so true my husband just laughs as i whine about how i just want to know
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@snarkybiochemist: hah my husband also finds my impatience amusing!
nectarine / 2180 posts
Pretty sure I'm out this month, I have cramping and the pregnancy test I took this morning was a stark negative. I have my blood test Friday and will be continuing my progesterone support until then so I suppose there is still hope, but not much. In an effort to cheer me up my husband reminded me we can always try again next month and its so great that we don't need any further interventions like an IUI or IVF, we get to keep trying at home. Which yes is good, I'm not ready to do that yet but still my cycles are monitored with transvaginal ultrasounds and blood draws and I am on medicines with uncomfortable side effects so this isn't an easy walk in the park and I would like to get pregnant. Its hard for him to understand how gutted this all makes me though, hence why I turn to you all.
nectarine / 2317 posts
Congrats! [:bfp:] SPINNY, MommySLP, MRS. MICROSCOPE, Mrsbrewer [:bfp:]
Dec 13 - LEM93, DaniNae
Dec 19 - coddergirl
Dec 24 - Knittylady
Dec 28 - MRS. D
Dec 29 - Babybeeforme, Properpie
Dec 31 - Banana330
nectarine / 2317 posts
@snarkybiochemist: Sorry about the BFN. I can imagine it's harder to take on the medicated cycle than an unmedicated one. The monitoring really does take the magic out of TTC (as much magic as there can possibly be after months and months of trying). The progesterone will mean it can take a few days for AF once you wean. I've taken it many times and it can be a bit annoying when you feel like hurry up and come already! Friends of ours went the medicated route (similar to you) it took them three cycles and they now have an 18 month old! try not to be too discouraged it didn't work the first time. They are figuring out the meds as you go, so switching types can help with your lining and maybe that's all you need
nectarine / 2180 posts
@Banana330: Thanks for the support and the information about progesterone. Next cycle I will be switching to femera so my lining doesn't thin. If I'm not pregnant I get to drink over the holidays, but it also means that I will have to schedule my monitoring around the holidays and visiting friends and family. That should be fun
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@snarkybiochemist: So sorry about the bfn
My day 3 labs came back all normal, pcos testing came back normal, and all diabetes testing came back negative. It runs in the family, so she tests me a couple times a year. I almost hate that the day 3 testing is normal, because then it's like okay- now what do we try? Clearly a 7 day luetal phase is not good! She's supposed to call me for a follow up appointment where I will ask for at least progesterone.
nectarine / 2180 posts
@dc yoga bee: thanks. Sorry to hear everything was normal (as awful as that sounds), I'm sure you just want to figure out what is going on and how you can fix it. Did you also have your thyroid checked? Good luck convincing your doctor to let you have some progesterone.
pear / 1788 posts
@snarkybiochemist: so sorry.
@dc yoga bee: are you going to do the post O bloods too? Because that is where the issue is! Push the issue!!!
nectarine / 2180 posts
@Mrs. Microscope: thanks I'm just annoyed right now with a bfn but having to wait until the blood work on Friday and then probably wait even a day or two longer to actually get my period after weaning off the progesterone
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@snarkybiochemist: I'm really sorry. I still feel somewhat gutted from my last bfn and we are not even doing treatment yet. BFNs suck.. Do something to pamper yourself if you can.
@dc yoga bee: I am seeing the RE next month and also have the fear that nothing will appear wrong, in which case, how are they going to do anything to help...lengthening the luteal phase does seem super promising though.
nectarine / 2180 posts
@periwinklebee: thanks I have lots of baking and candy making for Christmas gifts which is something I love to do and find soothing, I also plan on really enjoying all of the booze that happens over Christmas. Good luck seeking help from an RE, its intimidating to start but hopefully you get some fixable answers.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@snarkybiochemist: Thanks! The baking sounds awesome! (as does Christmas booze)
nectarine / 2317 posts
@dc yoga bee: great news on the testing! Definitely follow up on the progesterone.
nectarine / 2317 posts
So I got the call to start BDing i'm about to surge and O... except DH had his SA today so he's spent. I'm kinda annoyed at the clinic since I mentioned this timing might be an issue with them and they said it wasn't a big deal. Hopefully we can BD tomorrow morning and maybe friday night..
pomegranate / 3212 posts
@Banana330: Ugh. I hope the timing works out ok with tomorrow and the next day.
nectarine / 2180 posts
@Banana330: I hope you can work out the timing and that you make a baby this cycle
pea / 7 posts
Hi all,
New to the boards as of today!
Cycle Day:26
TTC Cycle: 11 (been trying for just about a year)
Ovulation Date: around dec 5
POAS Date: dec 19
Baby #: 1
What's up this month: this month is our first trying again after an ectopic in October and MC in May. Very happy and excited to have found a board for support and advice!
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