grapefruit / 4466 posts
@Tionn3: I'm really sorry, it sucks. I really hope the time will fly by. Can you get an intake appt for month 11 or 12, as they probably won't be able to start testing until the cycle after?
I definitely had a hard cry last night. I didn't realize before TTC quite how much it would suck to see a BFN, or to have your hope fade bit by bit each month. Not knowing why it's not working is hard. I'm also worried that when we finally do see someone, it will just be unexplained infertility, as nothing seems to be wrong. I think a big part of why I find it so hard is not just the disappointment about this month, but the growing worry that something unfixable is wrong, like maybe my eggs are just lousy. I know it's probably premature, and for some people it just takes longer, but I feel like each month AF dumps all those negative thoughts back in front of you.
kiwi / 680 posts
@periwinklebee: I am going to start by emailing my OBGYN on cycle 11 to see what we need to do to be evaluated. She is very good about responding to email. It is possible she might be able to see us and do some initial testing (SA and blood work), but If not, then she will need to be the one to do the referral anyways. DH has agreed to this course of action so that is good. He just doesn't want to jump the gun and I get that, we know two couples that took more than a year to get pregnant and had healthy pregnancies. Reproduction is truly a mystery and not nearly as cut and dry as they make it out to be in high school.
I get you on the negative feelings when AF comes. I think it is important to feel those feelings. Bottling them up is not good, and I don't think it's abnormal to be sad when she shows up. I worry about something being unfixable too. The way I've been getting through my period is just being extra nice to myself. If I want to binge on a TV show, I do it. If I want a manicure, I get one. If I wanna go grab a coffee and go window shopping, I do...and I just remind myself that I won't be able to do those things with a baby, and this is just the universe giving me extra time to enjoy things like that.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@Tionn3: I love your attitude, I think that is the best approach. And I definitely hear you on not jumping the gun, seems like a great plan (and of course, hopefully you'll have some Irish luck next month and won't need it!)
nectarine / 2180 posts
@Tionn3: @periwinklebee: TTC is so hard and its so easy to get lost in the feelings of being broken or a problem. Self care is so important, find something that really makes you feel better. I have started working on a cross stitch with a quote from Harry Potter (yea dork alert). Its calming and repetitive while still needing focus and when I'm done it can hang in a future nursery or the master bedroom, either or really (not sure how my husband would feel about this)
kiwi / 680 posts
@snarkybiochemist: OOooo cross stitch! I've wanted to try that =] I like to paint (I'm not very good) and I feel like I should really get back to it because it is a nice way to relax and distract myself. It makes me feel productive.
nectarine / 2180 posts
@Tionn3: Something artistic or crafty totally gives me a sense of accomplishment, like look see what I have made while at the same time being relaxing
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@snarkybiochemist: That's awesome! AF always seems to arrive at the craziest time but I'm really looking forward to more self care soon.
nectarine / 2180 posts
@periwinklebee: If I have learned anything while TTC its how important self-care is, what ever that looks like to you
pear / 1788 posts
@periwinklebee: @Tionn3: thinking of you girls today. Treat yo self!
We need some bfps around here. Things feel sad on this board. Happy thoughts!! Positivity! Cookies!
nectarine / 2317 posts
@periwinklebee: @Tionn3: sorry ladies... I really struggled this cycle too. It's weird how hard it can hit you some months.
nectarine / 2180 posts
Seeing the RE today for a 7 DPO blood draw and a conversation about what happens next if I don't get pregnant. I really really hope I don't need anything that we come up with and that I will be pregnant
pear / 1788 posts
@snarkybiochemist: I have all my fingers and toes crossed for you! I bet the clomid did the trick!
nectarine / 2180 posts
@Mrs. Microscope: I am really hoping that the clomid and the HSG just prior will do the trick, sadly I have another week to wait to find out
pear / 1788 posts
I'm at 9dpo and still sick. It's been 9 days! I took an old, expired wondfo this morning and I can see the squintiest of squinted shadows if I hold it at a certain angle, hahaha. That's how my bfp started with DD, so fingers crossed. I didn't get a true positive wondfo until 15dpo, but I got a positive frer 11dpo. So tomorrow I will use my last expired wondfo, and frer it up on Sunday, along with a fresh batch of wondfo.
nectarine / 2180 posts
Appt went well doctor said if I'm not pregnant this cycle we would switch to letrazole (femera) since my lining thinned a bit on the clomid but I had a good response.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@snarkybiochemist: Glad for the good appointment!
@Mrs. Microscope:
nectarine / 2180 posts
@periwinklebee: thanks now to be patient the last week of my tww
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@snarkybiochemist: Hopefully this will be your last TWW! Halfway there...
pear / 1788 posts
10dpo. No squinting needed. Line appeared immediately! Now it's time to pray that this baby sticks!
nectarine / 2317 posts
Lots of POAS twins this month! Ladies!
Congrats!:bfp: SPINNY, MommySLP, MRS. MICROSCOPE:goodluck:
Dec 10 - jhd
Dec 13 - LEM93, DaniNae
Dec 19 - coddergirl
Dec 24 - Knittylady
Dec 28 - MRS. D
Dec 29 - Babybeeforme
Dec 31 - Banana330
coconut / 8079 posts
@Mrs. Microscope: yay! Congrats!
@Banana330: I did. BFN but I was totally expecting that. DH's work was super busy and stressful during my fertile window and we didn't get much BD in. Trying to remain hopeful that maybe the next few months won't be as crazy. I have been folllowing the thread but haven't posted much.
nectarine / 2180 posts
@Banana330: I'll have a blood test on the 16th, not sure if I'll POAS before that or not
nectarine / 2317 posts
@jhd: sorry about the BFN, it's always tough when you can't quite get the timing to work.
nectarine / 2317 posts
Congrats!:bfp: SPINNY, MommySLP, MRS. MICROSCOPE:goodluck:
Dec 10 - jhd
Dec 13 - LEM93, DaniNae
Dec 19 - coddergirl
Dec 24 - Knittylady
Dec 28 - MRS. D
Dec 29 - Babybeeforme
Dec 31 - Banana330
nectarine / 2180 posts
Had a nice cry today when my husband suggested we might want to get a nice holiday scented candle since we will be entertaining and in my mind I jumped to the conclusion that I will be a terrible mother because I don't think of things like this to make our home nice.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
.@snarkybiochemist: You'll be an awesome mom, maybe the emotions are a symptom!
Here's my latest TTC blooper: when you're traveling and get so distracted packing the pregnancy tests that you forget to bring Advil or anything else to treat cramps. Doh. And of course, I have the worst cramps ever (usually I don't even get them). And it's the middle of the night here, so just gonna have to tough it out. Hah, lesson learned.
coconut / 8079 posts
@snarkybiochemist: you will be an awesome mama! fwiw my DH is the one who reminds me about things like that!
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