Hellobee Boards


December 2018 POAS

  1. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @paranundrum: Oh, NO! πŸ˜• Your chart was looking so promising! I'm so sorry that you are out! πŸ˜₯ I completely understand the feeling of defeat month-after-month (as you already know). It is exhaustive, however, we keep plugging along and remain hopeful.

    Thank you so much. I hope you had a lovely Christmas as well.

  2. bananasareyellow

    cherry / 146 posts

    @Kaohinani: your chart looks great!

    Wanted to come back and update. I went to a different lab so I could get another beta this week - 13 at 8dpo to 182 at 12dpo with a 23 hour doubling time! Still doesn't feel real. AF would have been due tomorrow - I think once I get past that point maybe it finally will? My 15 dpo wondfo in all it's beauty is below.

  3. bananasareyellow

    cherry / 146 posts

    @Mrs. B: beautiful lines!! Congrats!!

    @paranundrum: Sorry lady.

  4. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @bananasareyellow: Thank you! Wowza! With such an early BFP and a doubling rate like THAT (23 hours! Wow!), either you are carrying Clark Kent (SuperBaby!) or you have twins in there! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚ Those numbers are phenomenal! πŸ‘ Your HPT looks gorgeous as well. πŸ™‚ Congratulations for all-around awesome news!

  5. bananasareyellow

    cherry / 146 posts

    @Kaohinani: haha thank you! hopefully no twins! One superbaby sounds good though.

  6. paranundrum

    clementine / 811 posts

    @bananasareyellow: Thank you. Those lines look great and it's good to hear your numbers are right on track!

    @Kaohinani: Thank you. I'll feel deflated for a couple of days, wait for af to start (probably tomorrow or the day after - I think it's the longest or second longest lp I have ever had?) and then it's on to the next cycle.

    Christmas were nice and quiet. No big parties or any fuss, just a dinner and presents with close family, there's just five of us, on Christmas eve and two days to relax after that. We went on a long walk in the woods and watched a bunch of bad and some not so bad movies.

    Santa was kind enough to bring me a super comfortable jumpsuit so I was able to rock it for two full days. I'm planning to jump back in it the moment I get home from work. Screw jeans.
    I'll add a pic, it's almost like mine, but mine is two tone grey and looks even better. (that's not me wearing it, that's a model...)

  7. bananasareyellow

    cherry / 146 posts

    @paranundrum: Oh my gosh I need one! That looks amazing! Where is that one from??

  8. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @paranundrum: I'm glad you had such a nice holiday and break. Your jumpsuit/onsie looks extremely comfortable and I can not blame you for wanting to spend so much time in it. As you saw from the Christmas picture, the children and I all wore matching 1-piece PJs all day Christmas Day. They were super-soft and warm.

  9. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    So I don't lose my place or forget anyone...
    Page 30 update:

    β›„πŸŽ„ December 2018 POAS πŸŽ„β›„

    11/28: Petitduck - (Aug)
    12/1: Lazb - (Aug)
    12/2: Blythe -
    12/2: Paranundrum
    12/3: JessieMuller88
    12/4: Sam's Mom
    12/5: Kaohinani
    12/7: Clementine12 -
    12/12: Yellowbeach
    12/17: Creativemomma15
    12/24: Bananasareyellow - (Sept)
    12/25: Phillybaby2013
    12/26: Mrs.B - (Sept)
    12/28: Paranundrum
    12/29: Kaohinani
    12/29: Sam's Mom
    2/31: Youboots
    1/2: Blythe
    TBD: Autumnmama79, MrsKansas, Rswan18
    Drop-In BFP: MenagerieMama - (Aug)
    Drop-In BFP: Doodle - (Aug)
    Drop-In BFP: Mrs K - (Aug)
    Drop-In BFP: Smuckers- (Aug)

    Good luck, ladies!

    πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈAmazingly Supportive Cheerleaders
    - Karenbme
    - Mamabear87
    - Bhbee
    - Skinnycow

  10. paranundrum

    clementine / 811 posts

    @bananasareyellow: It's from a small Lithuanian company called Happeak ( http://happeak.lt/Home ) They make super comfortable clothes from great material for all ages. Mine is 100% cotton so no static electricity, it doesn't pick up all the dog hair we have around here and it lets my skin breathe. I try to avoid synthetic materials as much as possible, cotton and wool are my favourites.

    @Kaohinani: Yes I saw yours too, super cute!

  11. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @Sams Mom: @Yellowbeach: How are you ladies today?

  12. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    @Kaohinani: not much going on. I finally made a Dr appointment for my wrist that's been hurting be for almost 2 months.

    Of course the day I'm off and have to be somewhere is the day Sam poops in his pull-up after sitting on the port for almost 5 minutes right before we have to leave. Then I realize we didn't eat breakfast and he's hungry/hangry.

  13. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @Sams Mom: Well, that doesn't sound fun at all. πŸ’©πŸ™„πŸ˜‚

  14. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    @Kaohinani: gave him tater tots that I told him were hashbrowns and made it to the Dr with 5 minutes to spare πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

  15. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @Sams Mom: πŸ‘ Awesome!

  16. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    @Kaohinani: and I almost cried talking to my regular doctor about all of this weight gain (+12lbs) since the last time I saw my OB/GYN.

  17. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @Sams Mom: πŸ‘Ž Not Awesome. πŸ˜₯ I've been there ... I'm sure it is an effect of all the stupid fertility meds. It doesn't help you have Hashi's, though, huh? Infertility sucks and ADs suck just as much! 😫

  18. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    Pili cuddling on my lap (selectively) the last 4 days: πŸ€” Yay or Nay? I'm thinking she is needy but DH thinks there may be a tiny chance. IDK ... I am hopeful but far less positive than hubby after nearly 3.years. πŸ’β€β™€οΈ

    (2 separate days ... I wear A LOT of black. Forgive me. Lol)

  19. Mrs. K

    apricot / 308 posts

    @Kaohinani: I’m DYING for you to POAS πŸ˜‚ things sound promising so far!!

  20. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    @Kaohinani: uhhhh I'm team pili every single time! Maybe we should bump our POAS date up 😬

  21. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    15 dpo - It was a dip not a drop! If I can go 3 more days with elevated temps ... πŸ€” [ ... there may be a chance.] No symptoms/non-symptoms at all atm. πŸ™

    @Mrs. K: Thank you! I am so flipping nervous about taking a test. If it is another BFN result even after these awesome temps and a cuddly Pili, I'm going to cry 😫πŸ˜₯.

    @Sams Mom: I vote for keeping HPT dates as is. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚ POAS-anxiety is in full gear, dear.

  22. paranundrum

    clementine / 811 posts

    @Kaohinani: That chart looks so promising, I want this so bad for you! And Pili the Great Clairvoyant always has my vote!

    Do you think you'll POAS tomorrow? (No pressure from me, I understand not wanting to see the BFNs, I don't take tests anymore for that reason. Also because taking the test somehow seems to cause af to arrive right after.)

  23. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @paranundrum: Thank you! I am very split as to whether or not I actually want to POAS tomorrow (@Sams Mom is going to kill me for writing this πŸ˜‚). I have such long luteal phases normally (* 14 days is my shortest and 17 days has been my longest) that this cycle may just be a fluke that my temps have been "sitting pretty" for so long. Part of me wants to wait it out the 18 sustained BBTs above cover before testing and the other part wishes to honor the date I committed to on the board. It is also odd I have NO SYMPTOMS either way. That adds to my hesitancy to test ... πŸ€” Of course, anxiety over ANOTHER posible BFN plays heavily into my decision, as well. As you can discern, I am a truly conflicted lady! πŸ˜‰

  24. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    I'm over here drinking coffee and eating leftover cold spaghetti because it sounded good πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ like craved it. Eager to test tomorrow πŸ˜‚

  25. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @Kaohinani: @Sams Mom: I need y’all to move up your poas dates!

  26. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    @LAZB: I already tinkled πŸ˜‚

    But for real! I cried over everything yesterday, some things it would be a normal reaction, but other things not so much. Like I cried thinking of the day my not even 3 YEAR OLD son would move out and not need me anymore πŸ˜‚πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

  27. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    @yellowbeach: @Kaohinani: if by some Christmas miracle kaohinani and I are knocked up... We're going to have to pep talk your embie before transfer. Read her/him the riot act and make sure we're all on the same page for September babies.

  28. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @Sams Mom: Cold spaghetti sounds amazing πŸ˜›.... stupid keto diet πŸ˜’. I'm living in a land of eggplant and mozzarella with sauce or spaghetti squash with marinara OR mushrooms with mozzarella and bacon topped with homemade alfredo sauce BUT no d#mn pasta or bread!!! 😫

    @Lazb: I really wish I could. I held a test in my hand (for literally 3 minutes-- staring at it -- FROZEN) before putting it BACK! πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ˜©πŸ˜‚ The anxiety is REAL! It is not happening. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

  29. Petitduck

    kiwi / 624 posts

    Very surprised and happy, had my scan this morning and there’s a heartbeat and a baby measuring 8+3.

  30. Petitduck

    kiwi / 624 posts

    @Kaohinani: I vote keep your date. Though I know you’re very anxious.

  31. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @Petitduck: Congratulations! That is spectacular news!

  32. Petitduck

    kiwi / 624 posts

    @Kaohinani: thank you. I was basically 95% sure I had miscarried and this was a really crappy last few weeks.

  33. smuckers

    apricot / 390 posts

    @Sams Mom: @Kaohinani: Add another person to the list who is incredibly hopeful for both of you!!!

  34. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @Petitduck: Lol. Thanks. I was considering moving it back until I hit 18 days with elevated temps if I can make it that long (but I think Sams Mom would be a bit upset with me. 😟) which would be the 31st (my DS's b.day).

    @Smuckers: Thank you!

  35. Petitduck

    kiwi / 624 posts

    @Kaohinani: I guess anything longer than 17 days and you’ll feel better about the odds of a +

  36. smuckers

    apricot / 390 posts

    @Kaohinani: Just a thought, you may want to avoid your son's birthday. If it was me (and believe me, it has been in the past), I would prepare for the worst/hope for the best, and I wouldn't want to facilitate a chance for (my own) disappointment on my kid's birthday. Just my two cents.

    ETA: For the record I believe in Pili the Clairvoyant, I'm just saying outloud what I would do in this situation.

  37. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    @Kaohinani: hey now, I didn't test yesterday or today in hopes of getting positives on the same day. I can't hold out much longer than 10dpo for my first test

  38. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @Sams Mom: You are savage. πŸ˜ŸπŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

  39. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @smuckers: I had not thought of it that way.
    I am absolutely trying to buy some time. πŸ˜‚ We will have company over and will be spending the day out-&-about so, I figured the distraction would keep my mind off any BFNs if it happens.
    At the moment, I'm a bit crampy so I may not even have to worry about testing... πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
    No other symptoms, though.

  40. smuckers

    apricot / 390 posts

    @Kaohinani: I understand the thought process, and you know yourself better than anyone, obviously. Personally, I'd still be bummed and disappointed, even if busy.

    Also cramping does not equal .

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