What are your thoughts on deflategate and the punishment handed out to the Patriots (4 game suspension for Tom Brady, lost draft picks, and a $1mm fine).

I'm originally from the Boston area so lots of people I know are posting all over facebook about how the punishment is so unfair and lots of things like #freebrady and it's really starting to make my blood boil. I'm a huge PATS fan too, but they cheated, plain and simple. I'm glad my LO is too young to have any understanding of this, but I have to say that I truly believe that if parents are openly supporting Tom Brady that they are teaching their children that cheating is OK. I also can not comprehend the gofundme account created for the fans to chip in and cover the fine. The team is worth over a billion dollars, they have plenty of money and they DESERVE the fine! If people want to donate money there are plenty of causes that are actually worthy and in need. This subject really has me all fired up today.