Today is LO's first full day at daycare. I was able to do 3 transition days last week (I worked 1/2 days and LO went to daycare) and she did great, I really like the ladies that run her infant room and overall like her daycare center.
I feel like a lot of moms get very emotional leaving their LO in day care. From reading the boards and talking to friends, they cry, call daycare a bunch of times to check on LO, feel miserable at work. This seems to be the norm.
Did anyone NOT feel this way? Everyone keeps checking in on me to see if I'm ok, asked if I cried at drop off, etc. I was totally fine this morning. Dropped her, didn't shed a tear or feel like I was going to. I don't feel the need to call in and check on her. I don't know... I feel like a bad mom for not being overly emotional over it, does that make sense?
I guess, I just realistically know that staying home is not an option for us financially, and I actually like work. So, there's no need for me to get worked up over it. Of course I would love to be a SAHM over WOHM, but I'm ok with our situation.
Did any of you not feel overly emotional* when you went back to work and had to drop LO off at daycare?
*not that there's anything wrong with it... just curious to see if anyone else was in my boat!