Even though this is my second pregnancy, I don't really remember what a contraction felt like (praise The Lord) and I'm not sure if that is what I am experiencing. I am currently 36 weeks pregnant and have less than three weeks before my schedules repeat c-section but I am on high alert because I am paranoid this kid might try to come early...here is what happened...

I felt an intense pain coming on (this has happened multiple times in the past couple of weeks) so I decided to lay down to ward it off. Well, while I was laying down it felt like my stomach was cramping really tight and that I was getting stabbed down the middle of my stomach. I couldn't breath through it and I was dropping a few curse words (which is out of character for me). It lasted about a minute then faded away but came back about 15 seconds later, lasted a minute or so, faded away and came back.

So, short question long - was that a contraction or a BH or maybe something else? Thanks!