pear / 1697 posts
We declined the prophy eye ointment; I'd had a really recent negative gonorrhea screening. The vitamin K was done a couple hours after he was born. We would have done the Hep B at the same time, but, my midwives didn't stock it so we had it done at the day 3 peds visit instead.
pear / 1547 posts
Delayed everything until after skin to skin but then did it all. Will do that again with all future LOs. Did delay her bath until right before 24 hrs when we discharged.
pomelo / 5000 posts
@DesertDreams88: thanks for sharing that site. I've never seen it before, but it's right up my alley for how I make decisions on things.
I really couldn't tell you what happened! I had a c-section, so I don't know if they did all those things right away or later on. I did get to hold her pretty soon after as they finished stitching me back up, but am unaware of when all those things took place.
honeydew / 7463 posts
I didn't get skin to skin due to a series of events. But I don't think it would have been an issue, especially for the hep b and vitamin K. I believe the vitamin K was done a couple hours later. We declined hep b until the pediatrician visit. I didn't have an opinion on the ointment but I'm sure that had we had a run-of-the-mill birth they would have done it after skin to skin if that was my wish.
persimmon / 1322 posts
My mom's best friend, who is like my aunt, is a labor and delivery nurse. She and I have similar views, and I trust her judgement, so I took her advice on all three of these things.
We declined the eye ointment. We delayed the vitamin k shot until after skin to skin, she ended up getting it a few hours later. We delayed the hep b shot until her first pediatrician visit at 2 weeks.
clementine / 756 posts
Everything was delayed until after skin-to-skin. But then we did all three. We could have done the Hep B at the pediatrician at the 1 week appt, but we decided to go ahead and get it done at the same time as the Vit K, so they could do them at the same time and only upset baby once.
I did a fair amount of research and felt pretty strongly that the Vit K was beneficial. The risks of the shot are less than the risks of the bleeding that the shots prevent and the bleeding can be devastating. The risks of not doing the erythromyacin drops are less, but the risk of harm is also less so I got those as well.
eggplant / 11287 posts
At our hospital, they encourage the baby to stay on your skin for an hour or two or more before they even do anything. So we didn't have to ask to delay anything. Once our kids were born, the nurses pretty much just left us alone for quite a while.
But we did choose to decline the Hep B at the hospital all together.
pomegranate / 3375 posts
We declined the ointment & hep B vaccine. We did the injectable Vit K shot a few hours after birth (the administered while baby was on my chest). We had a home birth, so I was able to tell my midwives my wishes ahead of time, and they just had it written down to reference. I received no push back from my midwives or my daughter's ped.
pomegranate / 3658 posts
It's standard at our hospital birthing center to delay everything until after a few hours of skin-to-skin. We did them all at that point.
One note about the eye ointment, it was way less invasive than I had imagined. Just a tiny drop at the corner of her eyes. I thought it would be all over her eyes and impede her vision.
pineapple / 12053 posts
Declined hep b and eye ointment. Vitamin k shot delayed until after skin to skin but that's standard at our hospitals.
cantaloupe / 6669 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: We requested to delay all three. We wanted to wait for our first visit to the pediatrician for any shots and the other stuff we were fine with but we wanted to have the "golden hour" and nurse first.
Our requests were not honored after I had an emergency C-section.
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@daniellemybelle: that's wasn't cool at all! Was your husband allowed to be with your DD the entire time at least?
We didn't include it in our birth preferences, but except for the circumcision which we already know we can't go to, DH will ask to accompany the baby if he needs to be taken out of the room.
coffee bean / 31 posts
I was going to decline the eye drops but our pediatrician (who is generally pretty liberal/crunchy) said that she had a sick baby come in who's parents had declined the eye drops but the baby had gotten E. coli in their eye because the mom pooped during labor. So there's that.
pomegranate / 3192 posts
I declined eye medication (new studies have actually made the Canadian Pediatrician Society recommend against routine eye prophylaxis).
She got Vitamin K
Hepatitis B vaccine is not given routinely to newborns in Canada. I'm super surprised that it is in the States (and I don't really understand why, to be honest).
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@QBbride: in the States, Hep B and the eye ointment are routinely given to babies in the chance their mother's are high risk and don't follow through post-natal care. At my hospital and many in my area mother's are given artificial oxytocin after delivery in the small chance they hemorrhage. I put that part in my birth preferences too before any kind of drug I want to see a legit medical need.
pomegranate / 3192 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: oh I thought the Hepatitis B vaccine was routinely given to all newborns. But it's only given to high risk babies?
I got an oxytocin shot after both my births, I was OK with that.
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
@QBbride: it is given to all because some NB are high risk. That's why moms who know they are negative/ not high risk will decline it.
cantaloupe / 6669 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: Yes, but they told him all the newborn procedures were necessary because it was an emergency and he went along with it. Vaccinations have nothing to do with it being an emergency C-section!
grapefruit / 4712 posts
With N we didn't decline anything. However E we declined the Hep B shot until 2 months.
nectarine / 2821 posts
They delayed everything and I was able to do skin to skin. Then they did the eye drops and vit k. Not the hep b, not sure why... I didn't decline it out right but then on the day of discharge when we had waited hours and hours for our crazy nurse to come in and send us home, the nurse asked if we wanted it. We said we would just wait till 2 mo mainly because I didn't want anything else to hold up getting out of the hospital! I actually didn't really want it anyways.
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