Did self-care strategies help? Or did certain perspectives help you to be more patient or optimistic or upbeat?
I feel like I’ve hit a TTC low the past few weeks. I did get pregnant but an SCH cut off the nutrient flow to our embryo and it couldn’t grow. The heart continued to beat though for a full month after this happened, and I found it pretty draining to lose hope bit by bit as things kept on looking worse. I’m still waiting for a D&E. It feels like we've already been in this game for awhile - between trying and desperately wanting to start trying - and I also have a feeling this isn’t the end of loss for us, though maybe it’s just the weird pregnancy dreams I’ve had lately about loss speaking.
In any case, the end point of having a healthy baby seems so far away, though I know we haven't even been trying that long compared to many others and compared to how long it may ultimately take us. My husband tells me I just need to work on being more patient, but I'm not sure how. I guess I’m just looking for any suggestions or perspectives on what made the TTC journey easier to get through for others.
Thank you for listening to me ramble