I did! Sweet, sweet relief
Did you have an epidural?
I did! Sweet, sweet relief
Did you have an epidural?
blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts
I didn't plan to, but I did! It was so late at that point though that I don't think it did much.
nectarine / 2636 posts
Yes! I was induced so the pain was awful. I only lasted a couple hours before requesting it.
papaya / 10343 posts
I did. I did not plan to initially, but as soon as I had to get induced I knew I probably would. I just had no faith I could make it through pitocin contractions without, and I felt like if I was going to get one anyways, why wait and tire myself out? Even my midwife said I should seriously consider one because chemically induced contractions were no joke, and that pretty much sealed the deal for me.
Also, bc of the induction, I was strapped to a bunch of monitors and whatnot and not able to get out of bed. I think if I was able to walk around and bounce on the yoga ball I could've made it a lot farther without... but once my water broke I had back labor contractions for 60+ seconds every 2 min and it was just torture laying on my back in bed. I only made it like 1.5 hrs of that before asking for my epi, and it was wondderrrfullllll
persimmon / 1458 posts
With my first yes, with my second there wasn't enough time to get one!
persimmon / 1355 posts
Nope. It honestly wasn't all that bad till the ring of fire (or else my memory is playing tricks on me).
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
Didn't plan on it but I did so I could sleep!
Although it gave me relief, it made me feel off. My chest was tight and I felt just off and woozy the whole time I had it. I didn't like that.
I'm planning a VBAC if I go into labor on my own next time (no induction. Scheduled repeat C if it comes down to it). I don't know if I'll get one again or not. I had a "meh" experience.
watermelon / 14206 posts
Not for D, did for S and had a spinal for M. I won't ever go without pain relief if I don't have to ever again.
persimmon / 1198 posts
Yup and it was awesome! I wish I had made it past 4 cm when I got it, but the minute they said they wanted to put me on pitocin I asked for it....I did spend the first 7 hours at the hospital without an epidural though!
GOLD / papaya / 10206 posts
Nope, no epi for either of the girls, but I did have pitocin with DD1
cantaloupe / 6171 posts
I tried not to, but after 12 hrs of pit I was still only 3 cm and couldn't handle it anymore! And then I loved loved looooved it! I was able to sleep while dilating the rest, and could still feel enough for pushing to be in control of when to push
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
Yup, and I credit it with helping me avoid additional interventions. I was exhausted from 50 hours of labor. It allowed me to get a couple hours of sleep, and relaxed my body so I stopped fighting the back labor and started dilating (and she descended). She had a hard time while I was pushing, and I really believe if I hadn't been able to get some rest I wouldn't have been able to get her out.
I don't know what I will do next time, but the epi was an incredible tool for me. I didn't plan on it, but I'm so grateful for it. I think I will want to see how my next labor progresses, but I'm much more open to it now!
grapefruit / 4712 posts
I had one with both boys. When I had E, I did end up with a spinal headache. I will be getting one with any future children, I tend to have back labor.
pear / 1986 posts
I did… I was induced and while I went for almost 10 hours without anything, I finally asked for the epidural and LO was born 2 hours later. I was able to sleep a bit before pushing which was great. But I didn't like not being able to feel anything at all (maybe it was up a little to high) and having no control of my legs. Next time around, I'd try to go as far as possible again without the epi (especially if I don't have to be induced).
persimmon / 1339 posts
yup, after 10 hrs of back labour & 1 hr of pushing @ 10cm. wish i'd gotten it when i arrived at the hospital.
persimmon / 1096 posts
Yes, and I will again. I wanted to see how I did without one, and I requested Fentanyl first. That made me feel drunk, which was fine but it wore off quickly. Once I got the epidural, it was such sweet relief. I dilated from 6 to 10 cm quickly after that, and only pushed for 15 minutes with control of my legs. I hope I get the same anesthesiologist next time!
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
Nope! My labor wasn't as bad as a lot of them (never stalled, gradual increase in contractions, no back labor really). I asked about one near the end but they checked and I was nine cm and in transition and that have me the boost to get through it.
@Zbug: I totally have labor amnesia.
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
Yes, I had 3 of them...2 of them failed (or rather, settled completely in one leg below my thigh no matter what I did). The third one was given after delivery, for reasons I'm now fuzzy on (I'm pretty sure they gave me some pitocin after the fact, and I think the epidural was given because of that?) I dunno, I just know that I couldn't get out of bed for hours.
But when they were working? Sweet, sweet relief. I definitely told the anesthesiologist that I loved her before she left the room after the first one was administered.
papaya / 10473 posts
I did because they needed to try to turn DS, but I was already at a 10 and it didn't work.
pomegranate / 3980 posts
Not for #1 but had to have a spinal for my c/s with #2. I pray I never have to endure that again. I would take my 48 hours of back labor over the spinal block any day.
honeydew / 7230 posts
Yes, but it didn't really work for me. Not sure what the deal was but it was not the pain relief I was expecting!
cantaloupe / 6687 posts
Totally planned to avoid it while pregnant and told my OB so...but basically begged for it once I went into labor...I guess I have no tolerance for pain. I was so crazy while being admitted and having contractions - my OB met us at the hospital before heading to his office and quietly asked DH if I had reconsidered getting an epidural and DH was like "yes, she's changed her mind"
papaya / 10560 posts
Two med free births here. I was begging for one with DS but they called an anesthesiologist but it was too late and they had to cancel it because I progressed too fast.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
Yes. Long (double- and triple-stacked contractions for over 24 hours) almost failed induction + back labor + OB turning LO . . . and it never really took. It settled mostly in one leg, and I could feel everything ( in my torso/ pelvis . . . my legs were mostly numb) at the end.
pomegranate / 3350 posts
First time I was induced and got the epi after the midwife broke my water. It was amazing and I absolutely planned to get it with my second. Natural labor was so much less intense than pitocin induced labor that I didn't need it until it was too late. I was told that my only pain relief option was to push the baby out.
grapefruit / 4903 posts
Yes. It was the reason I was able to wait for my parents to arrive. I was 10 cm for 45 minutes before they made it in from the airport! I also think that combo is why I didn't have tearing and only pushed for six minutes. I'll definitely do it again.
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