DD is 3 years and 3 months, and has been potty trained for a few months now. #2 was something we struggled with (I've posted here about it!) and it just seemed to click one day - great! Then a few weeks later she all of a sudden reverted to just going in her pants and either telling me or not telling me, but not caring.

We tried everything, she'd literally turn her nose up at me and say "fine. take away my toys. I want to get down [off the potty]." I was totally at a loss! We were even doing a sticker chart still..

Last week she just randomly started going again on the potty. Thank god because I was so sick of sh*tty underpants, honestly. We're maintaining the sticker chart for now because I'd rather buy a $2-3 blind bag every few days than clean the amount of underwear and pants I was cleaning!

I was trying to figure out if anything happened to cause said regression (that I can work to avoid) or if it's just normal.