This happened last night and it made me so sad.
He weaned two weeks ago because he was so congested that he couldn't latch on. We had a great last session that I will cherish, even though I wasn't totally ready to wean yet.
Last night he woke up around 4am super pissed. We were on the futon in his room and he was just mad. Didn't want any water, kept throwing the paci away (even if I wasn't offering and it was just sitting next to me--he'd grab it and throw it). He kept pawing at my shirt.
I've dried up at this point, but I finally let him try. He latched on and suckled for a few seconds and it seemed to click that there was nothing there. He got this really sad and resigned look on his face, pulled my shirt back up, found the paci, put it in his mouth and laid down beside me.
Overall I'm content with how it ended, but I feel sad that he still wanted it and I couldn't give it to him.
Did your LO try to nurse again after you weaned? Were they able to?