I go to a very un-conventional/highly traditional church that does not believe in nurseries (I am kinda so-so on it; I understand why they are anti-nursery, but I also see the benefit of them). The congregation is also mostly older than me. We are the only ones with a baby (there are some who bring their grandchildren, but they are all toddlers/school-aged).

I am so ashamed to admit that going to church has been so stressful for me since Scribble was born. I feel I cannot listen to or contribute to the service because I am always concerning myself with him. And when he is a toddler/we have more kids, things will only get worse! Right now BFing makes this difficult because we usually meet from 11-1:00 and he often needs to eat, so I often have to dip out and feed him in the car in the middle of the service. Or nurse in a bedroom at my grandparent-in-laws' house immediately after church gets out while everyone else is eating luncheon.

I wish I didn't feel this way. It is really bothersome to me! Do you have this problem?