So there is this nanny we run into a lot at our favorite playground. She watches two kids, the younger of which is about my LO's age so we chat a lot. I ran into her today at the library and she asked if we'd want to set up a regular play date since the weather is getting too cold to do the park as much as we had been. As we were exchanging info another nanny overheard us and asked me if I was a mom. The first nanny responded before I could answer "she is but she's a NICE MOM. She actually talks to us." I must have looked a little confused because the other nanny then said to me "most moms won't talk to us once they realize we're nannies and not moms."

Is this really a thing? Maybe our city is just particularly bitchy? lol I have a hard time figuring out why moms would self-segregate like that if the kids get along.