My toddler just turned 2 but as long as I can remember, he's been a mommy's boy. I LOVE IT but I have to say...sometimes he calls "mommy" nonstop. I am hoping he will transition into being more independent as some days I want to pull out my hair with the amount of attention he needs/wants from me.

For example: driving in the car...he calls mommy the point where if i have a girlfriend or even my husband in the car, we can't have a steady conversation.

In the car:
Toddler: mommy? mommy? mommy? mommy truck. mommy? mommy? mommy car. mommy? mommy? mommy open (as in window). mommy? mommy? mommy? tree! mommy? mommy mommy? go go!..etc etc.

He seems to want affirmation about the things that are happening. I used to respond to every single mommy but now i have to simply ignore him...sometimes it works. sometimes he gets worked up and whines or cries because I am not responding.

Anyone have a similar experience? Is it okay to ignore him from time to time? I LOVE the little guy but the incessant talking is driving me bonkers.