Just curious!

My husband and I are very different in this regard. For example-- if we get something really bad for dinner (like order a pizza and wings) I eat it and I'm like.... that was awesome. He's like ughhh I shouldn't have done that. If we're lazy and watch 4 episodes of a show in a row I'm like--- that was a great afternoon. He's like-- I feel like a lump I can't believe I did that.

And vice versa. If he works out or spends an afternoon cleaning he feels really good about himself. Whereas I'm like man I'm glad that's done because that sucked lol.

I totally recognize he has the healthier outlook. But I think it is interesting that he's somehow programmed to actually get satisfaction from doing "good" things and feel bad about himself when he does "bad" things. Whereas I'm basically a 5 year old and just want to do awesome stuff (eat ice cream and watch netflix all day) 24/7 and pretty much would if there were no consequences for the lazy haha.