Do you have a gate or play yard thing as a safe place for your LO to play? We are gradually baby proofing our home and for the most part, trying to just remove/block the major hazards (locks on dangerous cabinets, cushion on sharp corners, close the doors to rooms I don't want her in). And so far she is pretty good about playing with her toys while I get dinner ready or whatever. But sometimes she just wants to crawl over to me in the kitchen, or get into the dogs bowls, or smack her reflection in the oven door (yeah, that one is new), and if I'm cooking and have dirty hands, it's very difficult to stop her. Having a safe place to pen her in would be nice, so we are thinking of getting a gated play yard thing, like this one. Anyone else?

For now I put her in the jumperoo if I really need to keep her out of the kitchen but I don't want her to see it as a punishment.

Oh, and we have an open kitchen living room area, with a big island separating it, so I can supervise her from the kitchen easily, but cannot easily gate it off.