I'm just about to start my LAST work week of pumping. 5 days! 5. Freaking. Days. And then I want to obliterate that POS "Office Space" style.
What about you? How many more days on your "countdown?"
I'm just about to start my LAST work week of pumping. 5 days! 5. Freaking. Days. And then I want to obliterate that POS "Office Space" style.
What about you? How many more days on your "countdown?"
honeydew / 7235 posts
@simplyfelicity: haha, awesome!!!
I am going to cut down from 3x a day to 2x a day in July, but that's my only goal right now.... I am going to be so psyched when I'm done pumping too!!!
grapefruit / 4361 posts
In 5 days I'll go from pumping 4x a day down to once a day! Yay for summer!
pomegranate / 3658 posts
I didn't do a countdown because the idea of quitting made me nervous, so I wasn't ever certain ahead of time which day would be my last day ever. But I have now gone 2.5 weeks without pumping and so I'm ready to declare that I am D-O-N-E DONE DONE DONE and pretty freaking ecstatic about it. We made it!!
pomegranate / 3595 posts
@simplyfelicity: so jealous! I have been sort of obsessed with adequate milk supply so I counted. I have 31 more pumping days and as long as I get 6 oz/day my freezer supply will get to a year. I am in good shape on that front so far!
But I also just booked vacation for right before LO turns one so I need to figure out actual weaning logistics and may pump an extra few days so I am not totally sure. It is great to feel so close!!
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@hellobeeboston: Nice! Having that extra time will be awesome. I feel like I shouldn't complain, I only pump 1x a day, but my pump is crap and I am so ready to "release it to the ocean."
@DesertDreams88: That's huge! I am so excited about summer! Are you keeping G in daycare p/t? L is going to go for 4 hours a day since we have to pay for it and it will give me a chance to work on my master's coursework.
@PawPrints: WE DID! That's so awesome! I think you and I had very similar bf struggles in the beginning (I am pretty sure I'm right!) that making it to this milestone is huge. Congrats!
@MamaCate: Ooooo fun! You definitely deserve some rest and relaxation...you've worked hard. Man, bf is no joke!
pomegranate / 3595 posts
@simplyfelicity: I should clarify that "vacation" is me and both LOs going to my parents, so not a vacation from kids. But a vacation from pumping at least!
And when we get back LO will be getting ready to move up to the toddler room at daycare so I might keep pumping a little to help with the transition. But the end is in sight!
pear / 1521 posts
Ooh thank you for reminding me that the end is in sight! 24 days left of school or school events that I'll have to pump for. Like you I'm only pumping once a day but I am so very over it now (and once I switched to once a day it means I often have to pump during my lunch which stinks). I will have pumped for the entire school year!! Next year I'm going to feel like I have all the free time at school!
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@petitenoisette: Yay! You are seriously awesome! I have only been pumping 1x a day since Jan. Fortunately, my lunch and prep are back to back but I'm still so ready to move on.
clementine / 935 posts
I'm not sure exactly when I'm stopping, but I plan to be done by the time the new semester starts in late August. I love the Office Space reference!
pomelo / 5258 posts
I have less than a month to go. As soon as LO takes cows milk I'll start a countdown.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
Not really. I don't even know where to begin. Lo will be 1 on Tuesday!! I'm still pumping 3x a day at work. One year of pumping at this rate has gotten old but routine now lol. We are starting cows milk with breastmilk. I'm worried if I don't pump during the day I'll dry up, and she won't have any milk then?
pear / 1622 posts
@simplyfelicity: congratulations! My pumping journey is starting again now so no countdown now but with LO1 I was happy to burn the pumping bra when I hit the one year mark.
pear / 1697 posts
Sort of? LO turned 1 three weeks ago, seems to like cow milk, does well with solids.
So, there's no reason I should need to keep pumping...especially since he's still nursing morning/night/overnight (waaah) and weekends.
But after spending so long watching my output so closely, I feel really nervous about stopping.
pomegranate / 3595 posts
@dc yoga bee: happy early birthday LO! Fwiw I was able to day wean a little after a year and nurse just morning and night for another 9 months! So LO had cows milk during the day and I didn't pump. I didn't have a ton of supply but it was enough. It can be different for everyone though.
pomelo / 5607 posts
Plan to stop before we go on DH's company trip the day after LO turns one, so just a month left! My supply has been steadily dropping anyway. So excited!
grapefruit / 4361 posts
@simplyfelicity: oh G isn't in daycare, we just had a friend babysit to bridge the gap btwn mat leave and summer break. The 1x a day pump is so I can sleep in DH gives G a bottle of milk in the morning and lets me sleep in since I do the night feeds. I'll pump to relieve morning engorgement (this morning I had 14oz, ridic!!!) and cycle thru my stash.
Having PT daycare will be great for keeping your LOs routine and for your masters work! Plus, seeing your LO will be good motivation to stay focused and get that work done
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@Torchwood: Mine, too! It's been a bit pathetic actually. Not only am I done pumping but I am kind of "over" breastfeeding in general.
@DesertDreams88: Wow! That's amazing (on both accounts!) I am getting through my master's so fast already, I *might* have it done in 6 months and having the extra time this summer will be instrumental.
@dc yoga bee: Happy early birthday to your little girl! I know lots of mamas who just feed in the morning and at night.
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